Elevators: Venues of Connection - State and Federal Communications

July 23, 2024  •  

Elevators: Venues of Connection

Did you know that the very last day of July, the 31st, is observed as “Talk In An Elevator Day”? Alas, I did not either, but I just learned about this fun fact not too long ago, and I immediately thought to myself, “I need to spread the word about this!”

What immediately came to my mind thereafter was that I began to think about how we engage with each other while in an elevator. Now, granted, there is usually not a great deal of time to chat with someone while riding in an elevator, but do you at the very least give a warm smile and a friendly “Hello”? What if you find yourself in a situation where you’re on an elevator for a longer period of time (not an elevator issue, but say, for example, there are multiple floors pushed) – do you attempt to make quick chatter with your elevator mates while you’re riding? Consider this: what factors determine whether or not you will decide to engage with someone on an elevator? Is it the way they look? Is it their demeanor? Is it the fact that you’re in a hurry yourself and really can’t be bothered with small talk?  I would argue that in the world that we are living in now, most of us enter an elevator with phone in hand basically ignoring everything (and everyone) around us!

I will admit, however, that I am one of these people who will generally smile and speak to my fellow elevator mates, and every now and then, depending on how long the elevator ride is, I will strike up a very brief conversation about the weather, a coffee drink in hand, or the key cards to our respective office floors that sometimes act wonkey… These engagements always make my day just a little brighter, and so I challenge you, on “Talk In An Elevator Day”, to attempt to strike up a brief conversation with your elevator mates – you never know what connections can be made in that brief time – reach out and let me know how it goes!

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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