Countering Hate Speech - State and Federal Communications

June 18, 2024  •  

Countering Hate Speech

I recently learned that in the month of June, the 18th is designated as International Day for Countering Hate Speech. Officially established by the United Nations General Assembly via Resolution A/RES/75/309 in 2021, the first observance of this day occurred the following year in 2022 and was established to raise awareness about the dangers of hate speech to, “…human rights, democracy, and the rule of law” (

Given the state of the world today, how fitting it is for me to learn about this day now! As someone who is a lover and studier of words, I, myself, am very cognizant of how I verbally show up, not only in person, but online as well. We all recognize that words matter – and they can hurt! Let us take a moment to turn down the temperature in our rhetoric and strive to do as much as we can to contribute to democracy and a civil society.

In order to observe International Day for Countering Hate Speech, the United Nations “invites governments, international organizations, civil society groups, and individuals to hold events and initiatives promoting strategies to identify, address and counter hate speech.” Below are some ideas from that can help promote this effort:

•      Educate yourself and others

•      Participate in workshops

•      Support affected individuals

•      Promote positive speech online

•      Engage in public discussions

•      Report hate speech

•      Create awareness materials

•      Join global movements

Hate speech can be deadly! Let’s all do our part to help spread love, positivity, and encouragement – one word at a time!

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