State Archives - Page 259 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

The Citizens Ethics Advisory Board has levied a $10,000 penalty against a lobbyist for accepting illegal contingency fees. Robert M. Silverberg had a contract with Clean Power Public of New Haven paying him 15 percent of the gross value of […]

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The electronic filing system of the Public Integrity Commission, the Public Integrity Reporting System, is being moved. As a result of the change, filers will be required to update their passwords after the system is moved. The system will be […]

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A bill creating a revolving door for lawmakers seeking to lobby after leaving office was approved by the Senate Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions, and Ethics Committee by a 7-0 vote. The bill requires state lawmakers to wait two years after […]

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Susan Yoza, Associate Director of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission, testified in support of House Bill 180 before the House Committee on Judiciary on Friday, January 30. HB 180 clarifies reporting requirements for lobbyists and organizations engaging in lobbying activities […]

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State Rep. Sheldon Silver will no longer be speaker of the New York State Assembly beginning Monday, February 2, 2015. Silver was arrested on federal corruption and bribery charges earlier this month. It is not clear whether Silver is resigning […]

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Today we will be visiting the Alaska capitol and learning about its history. The first Alaska statehouse was located in Elks Lodge Hall in Juneau, the current capital. Legislators started meeting there in 1913 after Alaska became a territory of […]

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The contribution limit for Maine gubernatorial candidates has been increased by $75, from $1,500 to $1,575 per election. The contribution limit for county and municipal offices has been increased by $25, from $750 to $775 per election. The contribution limit […]

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State Rep. Elizabeth Dickerson of House District 93 resigned from the Maine House of Representatives, saying she has decided to move to another state. Secretary of State Matt Dunlap set a special election to fill Dickerson’s seat for March 10, […]

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The Ethics Commission has voted to approve legislative amendments to update, simplify, and improve the city’s Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance during a meeting on January 26, 2015. The amendments repeal aggregate contribution limits, simplify reporting requirements for corporations and committees, […]

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Bills have been filed in both chambers of the North Dakota Legislature advocating for annual legislative sessions. Senate Bill 2247 would permit a 50-day session in odd-numbered years and mandate a 30-day session in even-numbered years. House Bill 1342 would […]

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In a statement regarding the impact of a recent district court order, the Arizona Office of the Secretary of State said it is not currently enforcing the compliance provisions of campaign finance law. In December, the United States District Court […]

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Assemblyman Sheldon Silver, speaker of the New York State Assembly, was arrested on federal corruption charges. He is accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes. Mr. Silver, a Democrat, has served as speaker for more than 20 years. According […]

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The New York City Campaign Finance Board’s newly approved rules permitting candidates enrolled in the public matching funds program to receive contributions via text message took effect January 20, 2015. The rules permit public funds to match the text message […]

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Rep. Debbie McCune Davis has introduced a bill in the statehouse requiring lobbyists registered in Arizona to report their compensation. House Bill 2136 amends the Arizona lobbying law by requiring every lobbyist, including a lobbyist for compensation, authorized lobbyist, authorized […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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