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Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed two ethics bills on Friday, May 6. One bill creates a revolving door provision for lawmakers and statewide elected officials seeking to become lobbyists. They must wait at least six months after their terms end […]

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The General Assembly has completed its business for the year and adjourned the 2016 legislative session on Friday, May 6, 2016, a day ahead of schedule. By joint resolution of the House and Senate, lawmakers will reconvene on June 9 […]

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On May 7, the Arizona Legislature adjourned its 52nd, Second regular session sine die at 5:45 a.m. The governor has 10 days once the Legislature has adjourned to sign a bill into law, veto a bill, or do nothing and […]

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The Legislature finished the fiscal session on May 5, 2016, with the formal sine die adjournment scheduled for Monday, May 9, 2016. Legislators will return on May 19 for a special legislative session to address Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s highway funding […]

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The 28th Hawaii State Legislature adjourned its regular session sine die on May 5, 2016. Among other things, lawmakers approved funding for air-conditioning in public schools, appropriated money for statewide homeless programs, increased funds for preschool programs to provide families […]

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Rep. Steve McLaughlin is seeking bipartisan support for a package of ethics reform bills. The bills seek reform on multiple fronts by lowering the permissible amount individuals, unions, corporations, lobby groups, or businesses can donate to a PAC; increasing disclosure […]

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The Legislature adjourned sine die late Wednesday, May 4, 2016. Lawmakers started the impeachment process of Gov. Robert Bentley and passed an education budget. The general fund added $15 million to Medicaid, but left an $85 million deficit. Bentley is […]

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The Connecticut General Assembly adjourned its regular session yesterday, May 4, 2016, without reaching a deal on the state budget. As time ran out on the session, constitutionally mandated to end at midnight, Democratic leaders postponed a vote on the […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission is currently accepting applications for Executive Director to replace former executive director and chief legal counsel, Leslie Kondo. The Legislature appointed Kondo as the new state auditor in April; his eight-year term began May 1. […]

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Gov. Larry Hogan signed a pay-to-play bill, amending campaign finance reporting requirements for filers doing public business. House Bill 112 requires filers disclosing contributions to also include contributions of any subsidiary entity the filer owns or controls by 30 percent […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission has announced two interested persons meetings on May 11 and May 16 to discuss a proposed November 2016 ballot measure that would ask San Francisco voters to place new restrictions on lobbyist contributions, bundling of […]

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Assembly Bill 1200 has been sent to California Gov. Jerry Brown. The bill revises the definition of lobbyist to include individuals attempting to influence state governmental procurement of $250,000 or more. Legislators passed the bill despite criticism of the measure […]

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Vendors and lobbyists are now required to disclose campaign contributions and affirm the disclosed contributions were made without the expectation of a governmental benefit in return. The late-2015 amendment requires disclosure of contributions to county officials and county-level candidates if […]

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The Kansas Legislature adjourned after passing a budget in the early hours of May 2, 2016. Lawmakers have been in session only 73 of the scheduled 90 days and will return to the state capitol on June 1 for a […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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