State Archives - Page 112 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

California State Capitol Building - Jeff Turner

On September 5, Gov. Gavin Newsom was presented with a bill codifying several current lobbying regulations into law. Assembly Bill 902 codifies lobbyist regulations regarding filing deadlines, bookkeeping, and lobbyist registration. If signed by the governor, the bill takes effect […]

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On October 18, the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) will consider proposed amendments adding language to help determine when a committee reaches the 80% threshold for qualification as a sponsored committee. The threshold will be determined by all contributions received […]

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott - photo by

Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday, November 5 as the special election date to fill House Districts 28 and 100. Rep. John Zerwas announced his early resignation from District 28, effective September 30, after being appointed the executive vice chancellor for […]

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The Kentucky State Capitol building

The Legislative Ethics Commission unanimously recommended that the 2020 General Assembly pass legislation prohibiting legislators and lobbyists from engaging in sexual and workplace harassment against legislative employees, other legislators, and lobbyists. In past cases involving allegations of sexual harassment, the […]

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September 4, 2019  •  

South Dakota State Senator Resigns

Sen. Justin Cronin, and Rep. John Lake - via the Daily Republic

State Senator Justin Cronin resigned from his District 23 seat on Wednesday. Gov. Kristi Noem has appointed Rep. John Lake to fill the state Senate vacancy and is seeking public input on filling the resulting state House vacancy. Those seeking […]

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Montana Gov. Steve Bullock - Gage Skidmore

The Illinois Opportunity Project is challenging Gov. Steve Bullock’s Executive Order 15-2018. Bullock’s Executive Order requires organizations receiving large state contracts to report political contributions that exceed $2,500, even if the disclosures are not required under federal election laws. The […]

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Arizona State Flag

The Arizona Secretary of State announced the implementation of new filing forms. The forms are now separated by entity types: lobbyist, principal, and public body filings. Effective August 27, the notarization requirement for all lobbying forms has been replaced by […]

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Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine lawmakers voted to pass Gov. Janet Mills’ proposed $105 million bond to fund transportation efforts during the one-day special legislative session on Monday, August 26. The transportation bond to upgrade roads, bridges, ports, rail and air transportation, and to […]

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Maine Capitol Building

Maine Gov. Janet Mills issued a proclamation calling for a special legislative session to be held on Monday, August 26. The session will be used to consider bond proposals in transportation; infrastructure and economic development; environmental protection; and land conservation […]

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Tennessee State Capitol Building

The Tennessee Legislature held a single-day special session to formally elect c as speaker of the House. Sexton, a Crossville Republican, had already been informally chosen for the role after a series of votes in a July caucus meeting. Sexton […]

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Missouri Capitol Building

Gov. Mike Parson has scheduled a special legislative session to begin on September 9. Parsons hopes to see legislation passed allowing individuals to count the sales earning of multiple vehicles as credits against the sales tax of a replacement vehicle. […]

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The Portland Auditor has opened the public comment period for the proposed administrative changes to the city’s lobbying regulations. The revised rules clarify lobbying including grassroots lobbying and attempts to gain goodwill. Fiscal disclosures will be required to include expenses […]

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Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine Gov. Janet Mills has called a special session to begin on Monday, August 26. Mills hopes the Legislature will pass four bond bills totaling $163 million to raise funds for a variety of infrastructure projects. The Legislature rejected a […]

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Texas Capitol Building

Gov. Greg Abbott has scheduled a November 5 special election for House District 148. The Houston seat’s representative, Democrat Jessica Farrar, has served in the Texas House for 25 years, but is stepping down to care for her mother. The […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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