Campaign Finance Archives - Page 289 of 314 - State and Federal Communications

January 30, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – January 30, 2012

“Campaign finance information is now available via easy to use maps of the USA for both Presidential and House and Senate elections through the most recent reporting period.”

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January 26, 2012  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying after the State of the Union Address, more news about Super PACs, and lobbying spending was down in 2011:

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The day after the State of the Union Address brings a flurry of activity in campaign finance and lobbying news.

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January 23, 2012  •  

Philadelphia Adjusts Contribution Limits

Increases Made to Reflect Changes in C.P.I.

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PAC and Super PAC Disclosure to be Increased

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January 23, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – January 23, 2012

Senate Bill 896

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January 20, 2012  •  

Campaign Finance and Lobbying News

From Politico and Roll Call: The Occupy movement targets the Supreme Court in honor of the second anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, intense lobbying for a mention in the State of the Union Address, and K Street warms up to Romney with Perry’s departure.

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January 19, 2012  •  

SuperPAC Spending and Disclosure in the News

Here is a chart revealing television ad spending in South Carolina by candidates versus spending by super Pacs, legislation in Arizona that would require disclosure of corporate spending on campaigns, and a run-down of super PAC disclosure in California:

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ELEC Authority

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January 18, 2012  •  

Nevada Now Has Online Campaign Finance Database

Secretary of State says new searchable system will “bring a whole level of transparency” to those seeking campaign finance data.

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Initiative Could Appear on November Ballot

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NBC takes a look at the issue tonight.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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