May 2, 2024 •
Subscriber Benefit — Ask the Expert — is #1

A few years ago, we added a tab on our website and called it Ask the Expert. Subscribers could pose a question about the content of our online guidebooks. We found this to be a great value add for our clients.
- You mentioned a change in Louisiana. When will that go into effect?
- Should our state folks track federal activity if they are not registered?
- How can I amend a report we filed in Tennessee?
These are great questions, and we are happy to help.
However, two things have happened since we started.
- Our clients have a lot of questions. Most of the questions deal with definitions from the states along with clarification of dates.
- Michael Beckett has been terribly busy. Michael is our Associate Director of Research with six managers working for him. Whatever the district, he can route it to an attorney for a response.
We want to be of assistance to our subscribers when there are questions. We just need to make sure we have all the information.
Subscriber benefits are designed to include inquiries about the content of our online guidebook. Questions requiring novel research, application of subject matter, and projects involving multiple districts are outside the scope of this program.
We want to make sure we have all the information needed to answer your questions, and it helps if we can set up an agreement to assist you with your concerns. This does not move you over to our Consulting work. It just makes sure both sides are protected, and the cost is minimal.
Lobbying compliance is not easy, and we know you have other business to handle for your organization. We can help you at any level.
Until next month, prepare for the busy summer schedule of meetings being held everywhere, and Ask the Expert if you are stumped.
See you on the road.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Z. Bartz
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting