United Way—Time to Give Your Fair Share - State and Federal Communications

November 2, 2015  •  

United Way—Time to Give Your Fair Share

uwsccolorState and Federal Communications started its 16th United Way campaign this week. This is a great opportunity for everyone on staff to help those less fortunate. And, I will say I pride myself on achieving 100 percent participation most years—even though we missed that mark for the current campaign.

I bring this up because many people in government relations are chosen by their own management to supervise United Way campaigns. This is all about sharing so please let me know what works for you.

How does that happen? One hundred percent participation is hard to achieve. Well, as our staff is donating to help those less fortunate, I donate back to them. I save up all those fabulous American Express Membership Rewards and use them for gift cards as premiums to the staff. I am not sure if anyone else receives emails from Regal Cinemas, but I am also able to purchase discount movie tickets for the team.

Here is our program:

  1. Once we reach 100 percent participation all employees will receive three (3) Flee @ 3 days in 2016. We are asking for a minimum pledge of $2.50 per paycheck.
  2. If any one person increases his or her pledge from the current campaign, he or she will each receive movie tickets plus the opportunity to wear jeans for a month. [Our outside accounting firm said this was a big incentive for its staff.]
  3. Fair Share + is something we picked up from the Red Cross and that is a $1 extra donation per paycheck. Everyone who pledges Fair Share + will have the costs of Imagination Library paid for by State and Federal Communications, three vouchers to the great summer lunches at the John S. Knight Center, and qualification to our Charitable Service Program, which allows employees to use 24 hours of time to assist a charitable organization. Many of the staff are on board in the region and this always helps those organizations who would otherwise flounder without time and treasure.
  4. We also provide incentives for those who reach United Way Leadership Levels.
    • Crystal pledges ($500-$999)—receive a $150 gift card plus four (4) movie tickets;
    • Bronze pledges ($1,000-$1,499)—receive a $200 gift card plus six (6) movie tickets;
    • Copper pledges ($1,500-$2,499)—receive a $250 gift card and eight (8) movie tickets; and
    • Silver pledges ($2,500-$5,000)—receive a $300 gift card and 10 movie tickets.

We will have a Trifecta drawing for everyone who pledges Fair Share +, at one of the above Leadership Levels, and commits to participating and blogging in our Charitable Service Program. Stay tuned to see what those prizes will be … and, we will do everything possible to utilize all of those American Express Membership Rewards points.

Here is what I think the best thing about our commitment to United Way is—State and Federal Communications matches dollar for dollar every pledge made. That match stays local to help United Way, making our campaign one of the top 50 campaigns in Summit County.

So what do you do to help those less fortunate in your community? Let’s share our stories and make this a great way to help our regions.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Z. Bartz
President and CEO



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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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