Spread the Word and Build the Pipeline – Lobbying is a Noble Profession! - State and Federal Communications

May 22, 2024  •  

Spread the Word and Build the Pipeline – Lobbying is a Noble Profession!

Earlier this year, I attended a lecture about lobbying that was held here in Washington, DC at the Institute of World Politics. The lecturer spoke about the fundamentals of lobbying, and also about how one can lobby on a variety of different issues (not just on tobacco, gun rights, or gaming, which I believe are some of the issues that seem to draw a lot of angst from people).  When this reality is communicated, oftentimes, a lightbulb goes off in one’s brain and they begin to think, “Okay, this might not be so bad after all?”  This exchange (whether real or imagined) always makes me think about how the “real deal” on lobbying needs to continuously be articulated. I then ask myself, “What are YOU doing to contribute to the ‘right’ narrative?”

One of the best things about working on compliance and DEI issues for State and Federal Communications is the variety of people that I get to meet on any given day, and tell them about what I do and about the lobbying profession in general. One of the best conversations I like to have is when I get the chance to converse with the college & university students!  Many of them already have their thought-paths carved out, and that leads them many times to wanting to say in the Washington, DC area after graduation to prepare for their first lobbying job. I say, however, that the pipeline to lobbying needs to begin even at the high school level; The earlier students know about the lobbying profession and the impact they could have, the better!  Students of color and other underrepresented groups, in particular, need to be aware that they can enter the world of lobbying, and strive to make a difference for themselves, their clients and their communities…

I ask you to commit this month to spreading the word about lobbying – you never know whose curious mind you might influence to take that lobbying leap!

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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