Missouri Legislator Pre-files Ethics Reform Package - State and Federal Communications

December 4, 2015  •  

Missouri Legislator Pre-files Ethics Reform Package

Missouri CapitolState Rep. Caleb Rowden pre-filed a four-point ethics reform package this week, hoping to increase accountability and transparency in government. The first change would prohibit gifts from lobbyists to any state or local elected officials as well as to their families and staff members.

The second change would institute a revolving door provision for state legislators and statewide elected officials up for election during the presidential campaign cycle. Such individuals would be barred from lobbying for one session after leaving office beginning in 2016. Elected officials up for election during the midterm elections would be barred from lobbying for one session after leaving office beginning in 2018. After 2018, the revolving door rule would apply to all state elected officials.

A third change would prohibit individuals with open candidate committees from registering as lobbyists.

The final proposed change would require elected officials to publically disclose travel expenses paid for by a third party within 30 days of receipt or within 30 days of the trip, whichever is sooner.

Speaker of the House Todd Richardson has vowed to make ethics reform a top priority when the session begins in January.

Photo of the Missouri State Capitol by RebelAt on Wikimedia Commons.

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