February 12, 2016 •
Public Hearing Scheduled to Discuss Changes to Columbus, OH Ethics Laws
Columbus City Council President Zach Klein will hold a public hearing on proposed ethics legislation on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The proposed changes enhance transparency and accountability for lobbyists, strengthen ethics disclosure laws, and amend campaign finance reporting requirements. Public […]
Columbus City Council President Zach Klein will hold a public hearing on proposed ethics legislation on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The proposed changes enhance transparency and accountability for lobbyists, strengthen ethics disclosure laws, and amend campaign finance reporting requirements.
Public testimony will be accepted. Comments will be limited to three minutes. Those wishing to comment must fill out a speaker slip at Columbus City Hall on the day of the hearing.
November 10, 2015 •
Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update
Lobbying California: “Lobbyist Meetings Missing from San Jose Council Calendars” by Ramona Giwargis for San Jose Mercury News Campaign Finance Indiana: “Legislative War Chests: Purse or puppet strings?” by Marc Chase for Northwest Indiana Times New York: “Backed by Nail […]
California: “Lobbyist Meetings Missing from San Jose Council Calendars” by Ramona Giwargis for San Jose Mercury News
Campaign Finance
Indiana: “Legislative War Chests: Purse or puppet strings?” by Marc Chase for Northwest Indiana Times
New York: “Backed by Nail Salon Owners, a New York Legislator Now Fights Reforms” by Sarah Maslin Nir for New York Times
“Only Three States Score Higher Than D+ in State Integrity Investigation; 11 Flunk” by Nicholas Kusnetz for Center for Public Integrity
Arizona: “Survey: Arizona gets a ‘D’ for public access” by Joe Ferguson for Arizona Daily Star
New Jersey: “Advocacy Group’s Ranking of N.J. on Access, Integrity Falls Sharply” by Dustin Racioppi for Bergen Record
Ohio: “Ohio Graded D+ in Report on Integrity” by Jim Siegel for Columbus Dispatch
Wisconsin: “Senate GOP Votes to Overhaul Campaign Finance, Revamp Board” by Todd Richmond (Associated Press) for Albany Times Union
Wyoming: “Wyoming Second to Last in Transparency” by Laura Hancock for Billings Gazette
“Donald Trump Advertises Rising Value of Free Political Publicity” by Ashley Parker for New York Times
City Council President Darrell Clarke introduced a measure to increase the transparency of money donated to city elections. With the mayoral race hitting its stride, independent expenditure PACs are making their presence known, donating millions to support their candidate of […]
City Council President Darrell Clarke introduced a measure to increase the transparency of money donated to city elections. With the mayoral race hitting its stride, independent expenditure PACs are making their presence known, donating millions to support their candidate of choice.
The bill, while unable to limit these contributions, seeks to increase disclosure of the source of PAC funds by moving the first report from 11 days before a primary election to six weeks before the primary and every two weeks thereafter. This requirement would apply to donations of $5,000 or more on communications mentioning a candidate in any way.
Though the bill was introduced too late to apply to the primary on May 19, Clarke is hoping the changes will be in effect prior to the general election in November.
January 19, 2015 •
Indiana Ethics Bill Introduced with Bipartisan Support
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma and House Minority Leader Scott Pelath have co-sponsored an ethics bill aimed at improving transparency and reducing conflicts of interest. The proposal would tighten the rules on waivers for the one-year “cooling off” period for […]
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma and House Minority Leader Scott Pelath have co-sponsored an ethics bill aimed at improving transparency and reducing conflicts of interest.
The proposal would tighten the rules on waivers for the one-year “cooling off” period for state agency officials taking private-sector jobs dealing with their former departments.
It would also expand the financial disclosure requirements for legislators and require them to disclose any relatives who are lobbyists.
August 6, 2014 •
Quebec Develops Searchable Database for Election Law Violators
Lucie Fiset, the chief electoral officer of Quebec, plans to set up a searchable online registry for accused violators of the province’s election laws. The database is slated to be operational by March 2015. This initiative is part of Fiset’s […]
Lucie Fiset, the chief electoral officer of Quebec, plans to set up a searchable online registry for accused violators of the province’s election laws. The database is slated to be operational by March 2015. This initiative is part of Fiset’s broader strategic plan to promote transparency and tighten surveillance of political contributions and election spending.
Recently, the province has been examining links between public construction contracts, organized crime, and provincial and municipal political contributions after investigators testified about a political financing scheme involving straw men contributing to political parties using money from a third party, thus skirting contribution limits, residency requirements, and the ban on contributions from entities.
With the new database, the public and the media will be able to search or cross-reference charges against individuals, companies, organizations, and parties accused of violating election laws.
February 20, 2014 •
Thursday News Roundup
Lobbying “Americans for Prosperity registers to lobby” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. “Institutions target lobbying disclosure, raising Trayvon Martin case” by Barry B. Burr in Pensions & Investments. Campaign Finance “Firewalls Crumble at Federal Election Commission” by Kent […]
“Americans for Prosperity registers to lobby” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
“Institutions target lobbying disclosure, raising Trayvon Martin case” by Barry B. Burr in Pensions & Investments.
Campaign Finance
“Firewalls Crumble at Federal Election Commission” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call’s Political MoneyLine.
Minnesota: “Trevor Potter of ‘Colbert Report’ explains campaign finance laws at U of M event” by Eric Black in MinnPost.
Oregon: “State refuses comment on ORESTAR security breach” by Hannah Hoffman in the Statesman Journal.
Oregon: “Tigard ballot measure: With ORESTAR still offline, concerns raised about campaign finance” by Luke Hammill in The Oregonian.
Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker under fire in campaign finance probe” by The Associated Press on CBS News.
Arkansas: “Backers of ballot proposal to tighten Ark. campaign finance, lobbying rules told to try again” by The Associated Press in The Republic.
Hawaii: “Hawaii Ethics Commission Examines How Lawmakers Spend Their Allowances” by Nathan Eagle in the Honolulu Civil Beat.
Vermont: “Stowe representative pushes ethics bill” by Anne Galloway in the Waterbury Record.
Open Government
Mississippi: “3 ‘transparency’ bills head to Senate for consideration” by Tyler Cleveland in the Madison County Journal.
Government Tech and Social Media
“U.S. ranks sixth in use of digital government” by Frank Konkel in FCW.
November 3, 2011 •
Signs of Discontent
The FEC and the president take some heat over transparency.
The Boston Globe’s Political Intelligence just published this article, “Transparency groups lash out at FEC, Obama” by Donovan Slack.
Here are some of the questions the article raises: “… [C]an foreign companies with some US operations legally contribute to US elections? In the past, foreign citizens and companies have been barred from spending money in the American political system. Also unanswered: Should American organizations who spend money to influence elections have to disclose the source of the money?”
Bruce Watson offers an opinion piece called “Really Want to Influence Politicians? Stop Donating to Campaigns” on AOL’s Daily Finance page. Watson puts particular focus on the increase in fundraising by the members of the Super Committee. He references a recent study by the Project On Government Oversight. As we recall, Politico offered a bit of a different view with “Supercommittee panelists don’t cash in” by Abby Phillip.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.