roy cooper Archives - State and Federal Communications

North Carolina State Legislative Building

The North Carolina General Assembly adjourned the regular session until April 28 after meeting for a single day. The Senate attempted but failed to override vetoes by Gov. Roy Cooper on teacher pay and the budget. Before adjourning, lawmakers unanimously […]

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The North Carolina General Assembly passed a bill to return the administration of elections, ethics, and lobbying regulations to the 2016 structure. Voters defeated a constitutional amendment in November to establish an eight-member Bipartisan Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement, […]

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This week, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper issued a call for a special session of the state’s legislature to address damage done by Hurricane Florence. Gov. Cooper intends to call lawmakers back to work on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, to […]

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The North Carolina General Assembly was called into special session yesterday to begin today, August 24, in order rewrite ballot amendment language to shift appointment powers from the governor to the Legislature. Speaker Tim Moore said legislators plan to make […]

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Republican legislative leaders in North Carolina are considering coming back to Raleigh to rewrite two ballot questions because a court blocked them from being voted on in November. Gov. Roy Cooper and the NAACP took issue with the ballot language, […]

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After receiving at least three-fifths of the vote in each chamber, the North Carolina Senate gave final approval to a proposed constitutional amendment to alter the way the State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement is appointed. The proposal switches […]

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July 2, 2018  •  

North Carolina Legislature Adjourns

The North Carolina Legislature adjourned on June 29, 2018. The Republican-controlled General Assembly spent most of the session passing budget adjustments and overrode eight of Gov. Roy Cooper’s 10 vetoes. Senate Bill 655 was passed and signed by Gov. Cooper […]

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North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper will appoint members to the State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement while litigation over the structure of the board is pending. The Democratic governor has sued Republican legislative leaders three times over legislation creating […]

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A North Carolina Superior Court three-judge panel kept in place the recently merged bipartisan state board of elections and ethics enforcement but voided a portion of the law regulating how members would be appointed to that board. The ruling was […]

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The North Carolina Supreme Court struck down a 2017 law overhauling the state’s Elections Board and Ethics Commission. Session Law 2017-6 merged the existing state Board of Elections and state Ethics Commission and created the new Bipartisan State Board of […]

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The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled that pending Gov. Roy Cooper’s legal challenge of Senate Bill 68, which combines state elections and ethics boards, the new merged board can remain vacant. The boards merged in June into the state Board […]

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On June 8, North Carolina lawmakers voted to reject Gov. Roy Cooper’s call for a special concurrent session to redraw district voting maps. Lawmakers accuse Cooper of overstepping his constitutional authority to call special sessions in extraordinary circumstances in this […]

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On June 7, Gov. Roy Cooper called a 14-day special session for North Carolina lawmakers to redraw district voting maps. The session begins June 8 and will run concurrently with the regular session. The special concurrent session comes after the […]

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On June 1, a three-judge panel unanimously dismissed Gov. Roy Cooper’s legal challenge against Senate Bill 68. Senate Bill 68 combines state elections and ethics boards, and became law when the House and Senate voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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