December 23, 2011 •
Highlighted Site Of The Week – Andrew Kaczynski
Kaczyski has found a lot of forgotten video footage that is embarrassing to some politicians
Many people enjoy killing time by getting on YouTube and watching the latest viral videos for a quick laugh. Andrew Kaczynski, on the other hand, enjoys digging into C-SPAN’s online archives and posting his favorite videos onto his YouTube channel, AKaczynski1, many of them which are embarrassing and problematic for current Republican presidential hopefuls, such as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
This week’s Highlighted Site Of The Week features the YouTube channel of Andrew Kaczynski. This 22 year-old college student has made recent headlines by posting videos he discovered like this video of a lecure Mitt Romney gave about John Kerry and the art of flip-flopping that could easily be used to describe himself today.
As the Republican presidential hopefuls campaign to become their party’s presidential candidate, a forgotten video can create an embarrassing and difficult obstacle to overcome.
Andrew Kaczynski currently has 141 videos posted on his channel. That is a lot of forgotten footage that would likely never have been noticed if not for his unique hobby. While Kaczynski describes himself as a moderate Republican, he admits he is more concerned with scoring page views than gaining political points for his party of choice. This provides more enjoyment for the rest of us!
This article provides more information about Kaczynski.
Happy Holiday!
Photo of Newt Gingrich by Gage Skidmore on Wikipedia.
Photo of Mitt Romney by c.berlet/ on Wikipedia.
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