January 5, 2012 •
PAC-to-PAC Transfer Ruling to be Challenged
Alabama Attorney General Files Appeal
Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange has appealed the judge’s ruling in Alabama Democratic Conference v. Strange, the case overturning a portion of the state ban on the transfer of funds from one PAC to another.
While the appeal is pending, the attorney general is prohibited from enforcing the PAC-to-PAC transfer law against the Alabama Democratic Conference.
December 15, 2011 •
Federal Judge Strikes Down Ban on PAC-to-PAC Transfer
Alabama Democratic Conference Prevails
A federal judge ruled in favor of the Alabama Democratic Conference in their challenge of the state prohibition on PAC-to-PAC transfers of funds.
The Alabama Democratic Conference alleged that the law prohibited their PAC from getting money from other PACs to use for voter communication and voter turnout initiatives.
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