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Nearly a month after Election Day, Gov. Pat McCrory conceded the governor’s race today in a video message posted to YouTube, making Democrat Roy Cooper the next governor of North Carolina. Following weeks of recounts and challenges alleging voter fraud, […]

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Gov. Pat McCrory announced December 13 as the date for a special session to address Hurricane Matthew relief. The state will need to provide matching funds and funding for what federal relief won’t cover. The special session is also expected […]

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A federal appeals court ruled North Carolina must hold special elections in November 2017 for General Assembly seats in unconstitutionally gerrymandered districts. The Legislature will need to redraw districts by mid-March, and legislators recently elected from the affected districts will […]

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The gubernatorial race is still too close to call more than a week after election day. Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper declared victory over Republican incumbent Pat McCrory, but McCrory is not conceding until all provisional ballots are counted. Cooper […]

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Gov. Pat McCrory announced that he expects to call a special session in early December to address Hurricane Matthew relief. The governor said he will turn in the state’s request for federal disaster assistance on Nov. 14. Once federal relief […]

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Gov. Pat McCrory is planning to call a special session to address Hurricane Matthew disaster relief. Information on when the session will be held is expected to be released next week. The regular session of the General Assembly is not […]

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State Democrats called for a special session of the General Assembly following Hurricane Matthew’s devastating impact on the state. Twenty people were killed, thousands retreated to emergency shelters, and the storm transformed one-third of the state’s 100 counties into federal […]

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State House Majority Leader Mike Hager (R) resigned from the General Assembly to support himself financially and take care of his elderly parents. Hager was the majority leader for two years and a House member for five. It is likely […]

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The North Carolina Legislature adjourned its short session on Friday, July 1, 2016. The session lasted almost 10 weeks with the biggest accomplishment being the passage of the state budget. The next regular session is not scheduled until January 2017. […]

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Lawmakers will return to Raleigh today to begin the 2016 short session of the North Carolina General Assembly. The session is expected to primarily address adjustments needed to the biennial budget. The session is expected to adjourn in early July. […]

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The North Carolina Legislature adjourned a special session on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Before adjourning, the Legislature ratified a bill to block local governments from enacting nondiscrimination ordinances regarding the use of public bathrooms.

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North Carolina legislative leaders have announced a special legislative session convening Wednesday, March 23 to address a Charlotte nondiscrimination ordinance that would otherwise take effect April 1. The regular session of the General Assembly is not scheduled to meet until […]

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On February 18, Gov. Pat McCrory called a special session of the General Assembly, for the purpose of drawing new congressional district maps. The new maps are needed because two congressional districts have been declared unconstitutional by the United States […]

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On September 30, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed legislation moving next year’s presidential primary and general primary for state elected offices to a single date in March. House Bill 373 sets the single primary date to March 15, 2016. […]

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