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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has released an Advisory Opinion regarding what constitutes lobbying activity when it comes to political consultants and grassroots communications. Advisory Opinion 16-01 requires public relations consultants to register their efforts to influence government through […]

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State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has announced the release of a new website which will contain information regarding lobbyist disclosures, and will match them up with specific pieces of proposed and passed legislation. The website, designed to promote the public’s […]

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City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has agreed to pay $7,000 to settle charges of campaign finance violations. Mark-Viverito was accused of accepting free consulting advice from a lobbyist in her efforts to land her position in 2013. In addition to […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) has formally accused former Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak of using his government office to aid his reelection campaign, as well as sexually harassing several female staff members. JCOPE’s investigators found Gabryszak used his office […]

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As more lobbyists turn to the internet and social media, the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics has begun soliciting informal comments on the applicability of New York’s Lobbying Act to social media activities. The Commission seeks guidance on […]

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Governor Cuomo has set a special election date for two vacant state Assembly seats and one vacant state Senate seat. Elections will be held on April 19, 2016, aligning with the date for New York’s presidential primary. Elections will fill […]

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Following just a little over a day of deliberations, former state Senate leader Dean Skelos has been found guilty of abusing his power while in office. Skelos used his office to extort over $300,000 in salary and other benefits to […]

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Former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was expelled from the legislature on November 30, 2015, after being found guilty of abusing his power to collect over four million dollars in illegal bribes and kickbacks.  Silver’s conviction triggered the automatic expulsion from […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics is seeking public comment on a proposed advisory opinion. The advisory opinion is in regards to the applicability of New York’s Lobbying Act to the activities of consultants when they are taking part in […]

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Michelle Adolphe, a candidate who ran for a seat in the state Assembly last year, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with three counts of failing to file campaign finance reports as required under state election law. Adolphe, who lost […]

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New legislation was introduced impacting the city’s campaign finance regulations.  One bill would eliminate the possibility of matching, with public funds, any contribution to a candidate for local office that is bundled by a lobbyist or person who has, or […]

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The Office of the City Clerk has published new rules to the city’s lobbying law following a public comment period and summerlong review by the Law Department. The rules require a lobbyist or client to designate a principal officer to […]

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October 13, 2015  •  

JCOPE Approves Amnesty Program

The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) created a six-month amnesty program to help lobbyists and clients of lobbyists comply with the New York Lobbying Act. This program will assist those who have never turned in required filings. To be […]

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On September 28, state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie announced Jane Feldman will be the executive director of the newly created Office of Ethics and Compliance. A bipartisan Assembly committee recommended Feldman after conducting a nationwide search. Heastie said Feldman stood […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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