New Hampshire Archives - State and Federal Communications

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Gov. Sununu signed a bill amending lobbyist reporting requirements. House Bill 1666 requires lobbyists to register and file statements through an online filling system to be developed by the Office of Secretary of State. Lobbyist statements will be due on […]

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New Hampshire state flag

Secretary of State David Scanlan announced January 23 as the date of its presidential primary, eight days after the Iowa caucuses and defying the Democratic National Committee’s plans to give South Carolina the party’s first primary contest. New Hampshire has […]

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October 30, 2023  •  

New Hampshire Veto Session Adjourns

Lawmakers adjourned the veto session on after sustaining Gov. Sununu’s veto of House Bill 142. The vote did not have the two-thirds majority required to override the veto of the bill providing support for Berlin’s Burgess BioPower plant.

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September 26, 2023  •  

New Hampshire State Representative Resigns

New Hampshire state flag

New Hampshire Rep. Troy Merner has announced his resignation. New Hampshire law requires a member of the House to live in the district they represent. Following an investigation, Merner was found to be living in another district for over a […]

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State Rep. David Cote (Hillsborough District 3) resigned on Wednesday, July 5. Cote was first elected to the state’s House of Representatives in the 1980s and was never sworn in after winning the 2022 election due to health concerns. In […]

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The House and Senate adjourned sine die on June 29 after passing legislation relating to the environment and elections. House Bill 281 removes the requirement that small scale energy generators like solar farms be located in the same municipality as […]

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December 22, 2022  •  

New Hampshire Special Election Scheduled

New Hampshire state flag

A special election has been scheduled to be held on February 21 in New Hampshire. The special election is necessary after the Rochester House race between Republican David Walker and Democrat Rep. Chuck Grassie ended in a tie earlier this […]

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New Hampshire state flag

New Hampshire Lawmakers will return to session on September 15 to decide whether to override eight vetoes issued by Gov. Sununu. Because the veto session follows the state’s primary elections, some senators and representatives may participate even after losing their […]

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu signed Senate Bill 348 codifying the attorney general’s interpretation of state campaign finance limits. Contribution limits apply to each of the three phases of the election cycle: the exploratory phase, the primary election, and the […]

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The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office issued updated guidance related to the state’s campaign finance law. The guidance clarifies the effects of House Bill 263, which went into effect on September 28, 2021 and finds that under the updated law, […]

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The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office issued guidance related to the registration of part-time in-house lobbyists. The office clarified that in-house employees of non-lobbying organizations must register as a lobbyist so long as they engage in some lobbying activities on […]

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New Hampshire Gov. Sununu announced a special election to be held on December 7 to fill the vacant state representative seat for Rockingham County District 6. The seat was vacated when Rep. Anne Copp moved out of the district this […]

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Effective September 28, New Hampshire House Bill 263 increases contribution limits and reporting, registration, and itemization threshold amounts for political committees. The bill limits contributions to PACs to $10,000 and raises the registration and reporting threshold for those committees to […]

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July 19, 2021  •  

New Hampshire Legislature Adjourns

The New Hampshire General Court stands adjourned until the next call of the chair. Before adjourning, lawmakers passed House Bill 263, which would repeal voluntary expenditure limits, increase the expenditure and contribution reporting threshold for all political entities, and increase […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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