December 4, 2023 •
Movers are Done … Now for the Fun!
Moving is not for the weak. After 21 years, State and Federal Communications moved to our new offices at 222 S. Main Street in downtown Akron. Yours truly was the only person on staff who never moved to a different […]
Moving is not for the weak. After 21 years, State and Federal Communications moved to our new offices at 222 S. Main Street in downtown Akron. Yours truly was the only person on staff who never moved to a different office … so I had 21 years of stuff everywhere.
Most of it was moved over to our new office and I am slowly going through it. Slowly being the operative word here. For the first month of being in the office, I had only been in for six days because of travel. I am now completing my first full week in the office this very week … and I still have a lot to unpack. At least I know where all my pens are — the first three weeks I had two on my desk.
I do have to say the office is fabulous. We are all on the same floor and not in four different quadrants on two floors as we were before. We are all taking our steps in to greet and catch up with our colleagues.
It still is not all done … and I am not talking about just my office. There is artwork all over the place. We need to decide where it all goes. Some unidentified boxes are still lying around, which need to be opened and moved or pitched. And I really have no idea why a television is leaning up against a wall.
It really is all okay because we are all on one floor, the lights automatically turn on when we walk in the room, and the coffee machine is working and turning out some good joe.
This is the first of five major items off my to do list. Stay tuned for what is next.
Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting