April 13, 2016 •
Kentucky Governor Vetoes Bill to Raise Executive Branch Lobbyist Fee
Gov. Matt Bevin has vetoed a bill to increase the executive branch lobbyist registration fee. House Bill 423, a state revenue bill, would have increased the fee from $125 to $275. Katie Gabhart, executive director of the Executive Branch Ethics […]
Gov. Matt Bevin has vetoed a bill to increase the executive branch lobbyist registration fee. House Bill 423, a state revenue bill, would have increased the fee from $125 to $275.
Katie Gabhart, executive director of the Executive Branch Ethics Commission, said the increase was necessary to avoid cutting its staff. The agency now faces a $40,000 budget deficit and, after lean years during the previous administration, Gabhart said there is nothing left to cut besides salaries.
Photo of Gov. Matt Bevin by Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons.
September 17, 2015 •
San Diego, CA Raises Lobbyist Fees
On September 15, the San Diego, California City Council voted unanimously to raise the registration fees for lobbyists. The new ordinance, which was approved by the Budget Committee in July, increases the annual registration from $40 to $150. Annual registration […]
On September 15, the San Diego, California City Council voted unanimously to raise the registration fees for lobbyists. The new ordinance, which was approved by the Budget Committee in July, increases the annual registration from $40 to $150. Annual registration fees paid by clients who hire lobbyists also increases from $15 to $30. These increases are the first since the enactment of lobbyist registration fees in 2008. The changes take effect January 1, 2016.
February 2, 2011 •
Washington Bill Requires Electronic Filing of Lobbyist Reports and Increased Fees
House Bill 1474, introduced before the Washington Legislature, seeks to make electronic filing of lobbyist and lobbyist employer reports mandatory by July 1, 2012.
The bill creates a new electronic filing system funded by both an initial fee charged to registered lobbyists and lobbyist employers in 2011 and an annual fee collected thereafter.
The bill states that the increased fees are required for data development costs and the purchase and maintenance of computer hardware and software associated with the new system.
Photo of the Washington State Capitol by Bluedisk on Wikipedia.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.