legislative session Archives - Page 19 of 34 - State and Federal Communications

October 28, 2016  •  

Utah Special Session Expected

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert will likely call a special session in mid-November to remedy a flawed road funding formula based on a statewide gas price increase. The faulty gas tax bill was passed earlier this year in the Legislature’s general […]

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State Democrats called for a special session of the General Assembly following Hurricane Matthew’s devastating impact on the state. Twenty people were killed, thousands retreated to emergency shelters, and the storm transformed one-third of the state’s 100 counties into federal […]

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Before it begins, Kansas lawmakers are planning for an extended regular legislative session in 2017. Usually set at 90 days, additional money has been earmarked for a 100-day session. Continuing school finance issues and an expected revenue shortfall have been […]

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The provincial government cancelled the fall 2016 legislative session on the day it was scheduled to begin. Another session is not intended until February ahead of the May 9, 2017,  general election. The Official Opposition is calling for the Legislature […]

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October 6, 2016  •  

Nevada Special Session Called

Gov. Brian Sandoval has called a special legislative session beginning October 10 to discuss the proposed Las Vegas football stadium for the NFL’s Oakland Raiders. The session is expected to also address education funding for the upcoming biennium, expansion of […]

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September 30, 2016  •  

New Mexico Special Session Called

On September 29, 2016, Gov. Susana Martinez called a special session for September 30, 2016. The long-awaited proclamation will focus on fixing budget shortfalls and restoring the death penalty. The ban on fundraising during regular or special session is a […]

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Gov. Dannel Malloy has summoned lawmakers back into a special session beginning Wednesday, September 28, 2016, to approve a deal with Sikorsky Aircraft. The tentative agreement, worth $220 million in grants and tax exemptions, will keep the company in the […]

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A joint legislative session is tentatively scheduled to begin September 28, 2016. During the session, lawmakers will focus on legislation to assist with the opioid crisis affecting the state. Gov. Tom Wolf initially contemplated a special session earlier in the […]

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September 21, 2016  •  

West Virginia Special Session Adjourns

West Virginia’s special session adjourned sine die on September 20, 2016. Lawmakers approved a bill allocating $85 million for flood relief and Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed the bill yesterday. Flood recovery is estimated to cost $339 million, with Federal […]

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September 19, 2016  •  

West Virginia Convenes Special Session

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin called a special legislative session that began September 18, 2016. The session is expected to run through September 20 and is limited in scope to the issue of authorizing funds to cover flood recovery costs. This […]

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The Hawaii Senate convened a third special session last week to confirm two judicial appointments. The Senate confirmed one judicial appointment for the District Family Court of the Third Circuit and another for the District Court of the Fifth Circuit. […]

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The Missouri General Assembly held its annual veto session on Wednesday, September 14. Lawmakers were successful in overriding some of Gov. Jay Nixon’s vetoes, including the vetoes of two highly controversial bills. One bill abolishes a state law requiring permits, […]

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The Tennessee General Assembly adjourned a three-day extraordinary session on Wednesday, September 14. Lawmakers repealed a drunken driving law threatening to cost the state $60 million in federal highway funding.  The U.S. Department of Transportation threatened to withhold the funds […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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