September 27, 2018 •
IL Court Upholds Cook County Campaign Restrictions
The Illinois First District Appellate Court upheld Cook County’s ethics ordinance restricting political contributions from persons seeking official action from the county. Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios challenged the rule earlier this year after the County Board of Ethics fined […]
The Illinois First District Appellate Court upheld Cook County’s ethics ordinance restricting political contributions from persons seeking official action from the county.
Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios challenged the rule earlier this year after the County Board of Ethics fined Berrios for receiving contributions over the $750 limit.
The court ruled self-funding candidates donating over $100,000 to their own campaign only lifted state contribution limits and did not affect any locally imposed limits set by the county.
March 15, 2018 •
Circuit Court Upholds Cook County Pay-to-play Restrictions
The Cook County Circuit Court upheld county pay-to-play limits on Tuesday, ruling against County Assessor Joseph Berrios. Berrios challenged the county’s campaign contribution limits for those who have sought official action from the county as unconstitutional. He also argued only […]
The Cook County Circuit Court upheld county pay-to-play limits on Tuesday, ruling against County Assessor Joseph Berrios.
Berrios challenged the county’s campaign contribution limits for those who have sought official action from the county as unconstitutional. He also argued only the state Legislature has the authority to set contribution limits; Judge Sanjay Tailor disagreed.
Local governments are permitted to enact laws governing campaign finance, provided they do not interfere with voter registration and election mechanics.
Berrios is expected to appeal.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting