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In an end-of-session bipartisan push, the Legislature and governor have come to agreement on ethics reform measures. Their five-point plan includes the following: With more disclosure measures in place, super PACs are now able to give and receive unlimited contributions […]

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Earlier this year, the state Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) made a regulatory change requiring public relations professionals to document outreach to editorial boards and report their activity to the state as lobbying. The regulation is now being contested […]

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New York’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) has confirmed that two commissioners have resigned from their positions. The resignations of commissioners David Arroyo and Joseph Covello were not announced publicly, but their names did not appear on JCOPE’s annual […]

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After nine months of searching and receiving over 200 resumes, the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics has finally found a new executive director. Seth H. Agata, a former top aide to Gov. Cuomo, was named as the new […]

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An advisory opinion by the Joint Commission on Public Ethics has been challenged in federal court. Five public relations firms have brought a suit seeking to block the enforcement of Advisory Opinion 16-01, as they argue the legality of the […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has released an advisory opinion addressing whether an elected official can solicit and accept campaign contributions or other forms of support for his campaign from a subject of the official’s enforcement powers. In the […]

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The Legislative Ethics Commission has fined former Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak $100,000 after the Joint Commission on Public Ethics formally accused him of violating Public Officers Law. Gabryszak’s fine is made up of $30,000 for using his office resources, including phones, […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics will be hosting a roundtable discussion on February 12th on proposed guidance on the topic of social media activities and whether certain activities are considered lobbying under the New York Lobbying Act. JCOPE has […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has released an Advisory Opinion regarding what constitutes lobbying activity when it comes to political consultants and grassroots communications. Advisory Opinion 16-01 requires public relations consultants to register their efforts to influence government through […]

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State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has announced the release of a new website which will contain information regarding lobbyist disclosures, and will match them up with specific pieces of proposed and passed legislation. The website, designed to promote the public’s […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) has formally accused former Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak of using his government office to aid his reelection campaign, as well as sexually harassing several female staff members. JCOPE’s investigators found Gabryszak used his office […]

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As more lobbyists turn to the internet and social media, the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics has begun soliciting informal comments on the applicability of New York’s Lobbying Act to social media activities. The Commission seeks guidance on […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics is seeking public comment on a proposed advisory opinion. The advisory opinion is in regards to the applicability of New York’s Lobbying Act to the activities of consultants when they are taking part in […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics is seeking public comment on a recent proposal aiming to prohibit pay-to-play contributions.  The proposal comes in the form of an advisory opinion, and would prohibit statewide executive and legislative candidates from accepting campaign […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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