August 7, 2012 •
Minnesota Special Session Tentatively Scheduled for August 24th
Legislature to distribute relief to flood ravaged areas
Governor Mark Dayton and the leaders of the state legislature have tentatively agreed on August 24 for a special session date. The legislature will convene in order to appropriate monies to disaster relief for counties that were ravaged by flooding earlier this year.
The date is still tentative as the final damage numbers are still being totaled. The federal government will supply 75% of the funding if the state picks up the last 25% of the cost.
Once the final numbers are set, Governor Dayton will have to officially call the legislature back to work.
July 20, 2011 •
Budget Bills Approved to Reopen Minnesota Government
Special Session Adjourns
The special legislative session called on Tuesday by Governor Mark Dayton adjourned at 3:43 a.m. Wednesday morning.
The Legislature passed 12 budget bills that were signed by Governor Dayton in order to reopen state government.
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