Gov Mike Dunleavy Archives - State and Federal Communications

September 30, 2021  •  

Alaska to hold Fourth Special Session

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued an amended Executive Proclamation convening the Legislature into a fourth special session October 4, 2021. The Legislature is tasked to create a supplemental appropriation for the 2021 Permanent Fund Dividend, consider acts relating to the […]

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September 15, 2021  •  

Alaska Legislature Adjourns

The Alaska Legislature adjourned the third special session on September 14 after passing House Bill 3003. The bill allocates $1,100 to each eligible Alaskan from the Permanent Fund Dividend. While the third session did resolve one problem, there are other […]

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August 17, 2021  •  

Alaska Begins Third Special Session

The Alaska Legislature convened for their third special session of this year Monday, August 16. Gov. Dunleavy has tasked lawmakers to consider amendments to the Alaskan Constitution relating to the Constitutional Budget Reserve fund and the Alaska Permanent Fund. The […]

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On June 18, the Alaska Legislature adjourned a special session after failing to alter the effective date of the state budget. Under the Alaska constitution, bills take effect 90 days after enactment unless two-thirds of the House and two-thirds of […]

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Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy intends to call two special sessions during the summer on May 20 and August 2. Dunleavy will task lawmakers with addressing the state budget and the Permanent Fund dividend. The Legislature’s regular session is scheduled to […]

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Gov. Mike Dunleavy has introduced a proposal to borrow $356.4 million for a variety of construction projects across the state. The proposal calls for a special election this coming spring or summer to allow voters to ratify or reject the […]

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Out of six applicants, three names were forwarded to Gov. Mike Dunleavy to fill the District 30 seat until a new legislator is sworn in in January. The district currently lacks representation since the untimely passing of Rep. Gary Knopp […]

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The Alaska Legislature adjourned after approving Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s plan to spend over $1 billion in federal coronavirus funding. Lawmakers were spurred by a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the plans Gov. Dunleavy submitted to the Legislative Budget and Audit […]

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