Gov Gretchen Whitmer Archives - State and Federal Communications

Incumbent Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer won reelection over Republican challenger, Tudor Dixon. As of Wednesday morning, with 87% of votes counted, Whitmer won by 9%. Third-party candidates, including Libertarian Party candidate Mary Buzuma, Green Party candidate Kevin Hogan, Taxpayer Party […]

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a special election to fill a vacancy in the House of Representatives following the election of District 15 Rep. Abdullah Hammoud as mayor of Dearborn. The special primary election will be held on March 1 […]

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced special elections to fill three vacancies in the Michigan House of Representatives following the election of District 36 Rep. Douglas Wozniak and District 74 Rep. Mark Huizenga to the Michigan State Senate, and the passing of […]

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Thursday’s legislative session was canceled and the Capitol in Lansing was closed due to an armed protest and death threats against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. At the end of the Senate session on May 13, lawmakers simply adjourned until May 19 […]

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced today a special primary election will be held August 4. The purpose will be to fill the vacant seat in House District 4 of former State Rep. Isaac Robinson, who died March 29. The special election […]

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-27 on March 29 suspending rules under Michigan election law for elections on May 5. Additionally, the Governor instructed local clerks, county clerks, and election administrators to immediately begin preparations to conduct the election […]

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