FEC Archives - Page 6 of 13 - State and Federal Communications

On December 27, the Federal Election Commission published its civil monetary penalty amounts adjusted for inflation in the Federal Register. The potential fine for civil violations of federal campaign finance laws now ranges from $5,817 to $68,027. The amounts are […]

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On December 14, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) elected Caroline C. Hunter as its chairwoman for 2018. Hunter replaces Steven T. Walther, who was appointed to the commission in 2006. The chairmanship is a rotating, one-year position. Ellen L. Weintraub […]

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Contributions by federal contractors to federal independent expenditure-only political action committees, also known as super PACs, may violate the federal pay-to-play prohibition. On September 25, 2017, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) entered into a Conciliation Agreement with a federal contractor […]

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On October 19, two bipartisan bills allowing increased monitoring of online political advertising were introduced in the U.S. Congress. Companion bills House Resolution 4077, The Honest Ads Act, and Senate Bill 1989 direct the Federal Election Commission to enact rules […]

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On October 10, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) extended the comment period concerning internet communications disclaimers regulations to November 9. The FEC is specifically requesting comments addressing advertisements on internet-enabled applications and devices. Originally the FEC had published an Advance […]

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On September 12, President Donald J. Trump nominated Trey Trainor to serve as a commissioner on the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Trainor is a lawyer licensed in Texas who specializes in election law, campaign finance, and ethics. Trainor previously served […]

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On September 7, President Donald J. Trump nominated Matthew Spencer Petersen, a commissioner with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), to serve as a District Judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Petersen, a Republican, is one […]

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On September 5, the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) filed a lawsuit arguing federal contribution limits of bequests are unconstitutional. In Libertarian National Committee v. Federal Election Commission, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the LNC […]

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On July 28, Rep. David E. Price introduced a 252-page bill which would reform campaign finance laws, amend the current federal lobbying laws, and address integrity and transparency problems in the Executive Branch. House Resolution 3537, We the People Act […]

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Today, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) launched a newly revamped website. The new website has been in public beta form since October 2015. The organization of the website is broken down into three main areas: campaign finance data, candidate and […]

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On May 22, the United States Supreme Court affirmed a lower court’s finding of summary judgement upholding the constitutionality of the Federal Election Campaign Act’s regulation of the use of so-called soft money. In Republican Party of Louisiana v. FEC, […]

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Today, the United States Supreme Court affirmed electioneering communication disclosure requirements under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA). In Independence Institute v. FEC, the Supreme Court affirmed, without a written opinion, a lower court’s summary judgement against Independence Institute, a […]

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On March 1, Commissioner Ann M. Ravel will resign from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). In her February 19 resignation letter to the president, Commissioner Ravel urged he prioritize campaign finance reform, strengthen disclosure law, and “reduce reliance on the […]

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On January 12, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) was unable to agree on a policy to clarify when and if a U.S. domestic subsidiary corporation of a foreign national is illegally involved in political activity. Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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