contribution limits Archives - Page 3 of 6 - State and Federal Communications

Oregon State Capitol Building

House Democrats introduced a bill putting the 2006 voter approved campaign contribution limits on hold until at least July 2021. House Bill 4124 would give lawmakers more time to pass new campaign contribution limits to replace those approved by voters. […]

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The Public Ethics Commission will consider annual adjustments to the contribution limits at their regular meeting next week. Commission staff will present an updated list of the campaign contribution limits and expenditure ceiling amounts, as adjusted according to the increase […]

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Oklahoma Capitol Building

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission adjusted the contribution limit that individuals may give to 2020 candidate committees and that state candidate committees may give to other state candidate committees. This contribution limit has increased from $2,700 to $2,800 per election. However, […]

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The New York Campaign Finance Reform Commission released their report containing recommendations regarding the creation of a public campaign finance system and reforms to the state election laws. The commission proposes to create a voluntary public campaign finance system for […]

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United States Supreme Court Building

The U.S. Supreme Court is raising doubts about Alaska’s $500-a-year limit on contributions to political candidates. The justices are ordering a lower court to take a new look at the issue. The court says in an unsigned opinion on Monday […]

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Oregon State Capitol Building

At a meeting of the Senate Campaign Finance Committee, Sen. Jeff Golden proposed new regulations that would place ceilings on the amount of money individuals and various types of political committees could give to candidates, campaigns, and one another. Oregon […]

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The challenge on Montana’s contribution limits has ended. The U.S. Supreme Court did not take up the case regarding campaign finance in Montana. The 1994 law establishing the contribution limits was struck down in 2012 and 2015, but the 9th […]

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Constitutional Amendment 2, a reform measure approved in November, is facing a second legal challenge in federal court from plaintiffs who claim the amendment unconstitutionally restricts free speech and association. The suit was filed by Farmers State Bank and Herzog […]

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The New York City Council plans to hear legislation aimed at limiting contributions from contributors who have city business to groups directed or affiliated with an elected official. The bill, yet to be released publicly, will likely limit contributions to […]

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The New Mexico Secretary of State released new contribution limits for non-statewide candidates, statewide candidates, and PACs. Contributions from a person to a statewide candidate or to a PAC will increase to $5,500. Also, contributions from a PAC to a […]

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St. Louis aldermen advanced Board Bill 53 out of committee on Tuesday, September 20. The bill would limit contributions to municipal candidates to $10,000 per city election cycle. Such a limit is nearly four times the proposed state candidate contribution […]

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Lawmakers in Montana rejected a request for a special legislative session to address the state’s campaign finance laws. Ten legislators called for a special session to address the law controlling contribution limits. In May, a U.S. District Court found Montana’s […]

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May 19, 2016  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Campaign Finance “Trump, RNC Announce Joint Fundraising Deal” by Eric Bradner and Sara Murray for CNN Florida: “County Commissioners Endorse Campaign Reform. After Grumbling.” by Douglas Hanks for Miami Herald Montana: “US Judge Strikes Down Montana Campaign Contribution Limits” by […]

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On May 17, U.S. District Judge Charles Lovell ruled the current statutory campaign finance contribution limits in Montana unconstitutional. “Defendants have not proven that the campaign contribution limits … further the important state interest of combating quid pro quo corruption […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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