July 21, 2016 •
New York Bill Proposes Giving Limits
Sen. Todd Kaminsky and Representative Charles Lavine have introduced a new bill which would amend the penal law relating to unlawful giving. Senate Bill 8169 would close a loophole allowing public officials to receive or give gifts or benefits in […]
Sen. Todd Kaminsky and Representative Charles Lavine have introduced a new bill which would amend the penal law relating to unlawful giving. Senate Bill 8169 would close a loophole allowing public officials to receive or give gifts or benefits in excess of $3,000 simply because of their official position.
The bill does not affect campaign contributions, which are already monitored by the Board of Elections.
The legislation is a response to the recent Supreme Court decision in McDonnell v. The United States, which permits officials to receive lavish gifts so long as the gifts are not exchanged for promises to perform governmental acts.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.