campaign donations Archives - State and Federal Communications

The Oregon Supreme Court, reversing its longstanding ban on strict campaign finance limits, ruled in favor of a voter approved Multnomah County law putting a $500 limit on campaign donations. The court concluded contribution limits are not invalid under the state […]

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A redistricting proposal and ethics reform ballot initiative titled Clean Missouri expected to be on November’s ballot is now at risk of being withdrawn. Cole County Circuit Judge Daniel Green ordered Sec. of State Jay Ashcroft to rescind the certification […]

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A South Dakota judge has issued a preliminary injunction on Initiated Measure 22. Initiated Measure 22 was approved by the majority of South Dakota voters last month as an act to revise campaign finance and lobbying laws. The injunction will […]

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May 25, 2016  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying Missouri: “Impact of Missouri’s ‘Revolving Door’ Lobbyist Law Questioned” by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star Campaign Finance “Despite Recommendations, FEC Won’t Pursue Charges that Murray Energy Coerced Campaign Donations from Employees” by Sabrina Eaton for Cleveland Plain Dealer […]

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Gov. Scott Walker has signed into law a bill allowing lobbyists to start making campaign donations to candidates seven weeks earlier than previously allowed. 2013 Wisconsin Act 153 allows a lobbyist to personally make political contributions as early as April […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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