March 27, 2017 •
US House Bill – No US Funds for Trump Hotel Stays
A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this month would prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to pay for food, lodging, or other expenses at hotels owned or operated by any U.S. president. House Bill 1452, the […]
A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this month would prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to pay for food, lodging, or other expenses at hotels owned or operated by any U.S. president.
House Bill 1452, the “No Taxpayer Revenue Used to Monetize the Presidency Act of 2017,” or the “No TRUMP Act of 2017,” also prohibits any payment for lodging and other travel expenses by the federal government at hotels owned or operated by a president’s relatives.
In his introductory remarks, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, clearly specified President Trump was the target of the legislation: “Hardly a week goes by without reports of taxpayer-funded trips by the president or his family to one of his family-owned properties throughout the world. These excesses have surpassed anything that this nation has seen before, and this unprecedented abuse of taxpayer dollars demands an additional ethical check on the office of the presidency.”
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