July 22, 2021 •
North Dakota Voter Petitions Circulating
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved petitions for term limits, changes to the constitutional amendment process, and to recall state House District 24 Rep. Dwight Kiefert. The term limits petition would limit the governor and legislators to eight […]
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved petitions for term limits, changes to the constitutional amendment process, and to recall state House District 24 Rep. Dwight Kiefert.
The term limits petition would limit the governor and legislators to eight years of service, though lawmakers could serve up to eight years each in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The measure also prohibits the Legislature from proposing a constitutional amendment to eliminate the term limits in the future.
The petition to change the process for constitutional amendments would raise voter approval from a simple majority to 60% and limit ballot measures to a single issue.
The petition by a group of lawmakers to recall Kiefert is in response to his vote to expel a colleague accused of sexual harassment earlier this year.
He is one of several representatives who were censured for the vote to expel Rep. Luke Simmons.
Each petition group has one year to gather the required number of signatures.
August 13, 2020 •
Group Seeks to Block Measure 3 from November Ballot in North Dakota
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger confirmed a third measure to be on the November ballot. Measure 3, a constitutional amendment put forth by Fargo-based North Dakota Voters First, makes several changes to election procedures. This amendment creates paper […]
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger confirmed a third measure to be on the November ballot.
Measure 3, a constitutional amendment put forth by Fargo-based North Dakota Voters First, makes several changes to election procedures.
This amendment creates paper record and audit requirements for ballots; requires ballots to be sent to military and overseas voters at least 61 days before an election; and makes the Ethics Commission responsible for state legislative redistricting procedures.
The amendment would also introduce an open primary system in which all candidates, regardless of party, would appear on a single ballot.
This would also have the top four candidates advancing to the general election.
A ranked-choice vote would decide the winner.
Additionally, if implemented, North Dakota would become only the second state in the country, after Maine, to employ a statewide ranked-choice system.
A North Dakota-based 501(c)(4) called Brighter Future Alliance is challenging the measure’s eligibility for the ballot.
The alliance is seeking a writ of injunction from the North Dakota Supreme Court prohibiting Jaeger from placing Measure 3 on the November 2020, general election ballot.
March 22, 2018 •
North Dakota Government Ethics Petition Approved
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved the format of a petition to amend the state constitution to include an independent ethics commission. If voters approve, the ethics commission would be responsible for adopting rules related to elections, lobbying, […]
North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved the format of a petition to amend the state constitution to include an independent ethics commission.
If voters approve, the ethics commission would be responsible for adopting rules related to elections, lobbying, and for reporting and investigating alleged violations of those rules and related state laws.
Additionally, the measure prohibits gifts from lobbyists, prohibits the delivery of campaign contributions by lobbyists, restricts lobbying from former public officials, and restricts the use of campaign contributions, among other provisions.
Supporters of the petition have until July 9 to gather nearly 27,000 signatures to place the constitutional amendment on the November ballot.
April 10, 2015 •
North Dakota Democrats File FEC Complaint Over Foreign Contributions
Grand Fork Democrats in District 43 have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against state Republican officials and a political action committee (PAC) for receiving foreign campaign contributions. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, state Sen. Lonnie Laffen, and the […]
Grand Fork Democrats in District 43 have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against state Republican officials and a political action committee (PAC) for receiving foreign campaign contributions. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, state Sen. Lonnie Laffen, and the ND Oil PAC each reported receiving contributions from individuals with Canadian and/or United Kingdom addresses.
The complaint cites federal law and regulations prohibiting contributions from foreign nationals in federal, state, or local elections. North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger has said he believes federal laws under the FEC apply to federal candidates, but do not apply to in-state, nonfederal candidates.
Democratic leaders also filed a request for an attorney general’s opinion on the interplay between federal and state law regarding foreign campaign contributions.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.