Meet Our Expert - Allyson Smith - State and Federal Communications

June 11, 2024  •  

Meet Our Expert – Allyson Smith

Like the ever-changing world of lobbying compliance, State and Federal Communications, Inc. also pays close attention to the ever-changing world of digital marketing and social media. With the help of our Graphics and Digital Media Assistant, Allyson Smith, we keep our clients informed on the latest news in lobbying and government affairs, as well as share company updates, milestones, and celebrations of our hardworking team.

Allyson is a graduate from the University of Akron, and while she initially intended to build a career in journalism, her career path has taken other turns. Before coming to State and Federal Communications, Inc., she did content marketing for a local arts and culture magazine and was the Communications Coordinator for a local nonprofit.

“While I have experience in a lot of different areas of marketing, I came to State and Federal Communications because I wanted the opportunity to be a part of a bigger team, as well as focus on a few key skills and really develop them,” she explained.

Those key skills include helping to create a social media marketing strategy that guides the content that goes on our platforms. She also writes the copy for social media posts, publishes them, and works alongside our Senior Graphics Coordinator to create the art for social media posts and other materials.

“Additionally, I’ve had the opportunity to become more familiar with media relations in this role. I write press releases that highlight our company’s growth and accomplishments and keep our media contact list up to date,” she said.

For a little over a year, Allyson has been learning about the world of lobbying compliance and how State and Federal Communications plays an important role within that world.

“I help our clients by keeping our public-facing platforms, like the blog and social media platforms, up to date. I share relevant information about our company’s events, accomplishments, involvement, services, and information that comes from our Research Department,” she explained.

The State and Federal Communications, Inc. team is full of experts you can trust. Learn more about what we can do for you at

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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