April 16, 2015 •
Virginia General Assembly Will Reconvene Friday for Ethics Bill Vote
The General Assembly reconvened Wednesday to review several proposed legislative amendments offered by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, including changes to the ethics reform bill. The bill, as sent to the governor, changes the lobbyist gift limit from $250 per year from any one source to $100 per gift.
The governor, fearing this would allow legislators to accept an unlimited number of gifts as long as they were less than $100 each, suggested a $100 per year limit from any one source. Lawmakers voiced their own concerns with the amendment, stating its wording could be construed to create a $100 lifetime limit.
Much to the dismay of some members, the General Assembly will meet again on Friday, April 17 to clarify the issue and hold a vote.
Photo of the Virginia State Capitol by Anderskev on Wikimedia Commons.
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