August 3, 2011 •
Ask the Experts – Lobbyist’s Personal Delivery of Political Contributions

Q. Are there prohibitions on registered lobbyists hand-delivering a political contribution check [personal, corporate, or PAC] to a candidate at the candidate’s fundraiser?
A. Forty-six states do not regulate the personal delivery of campaign contributions by contributions. Of course, this assumes all other things being legal, such as session bans, a ban on corporate contributions, a ban on personal contributions by lobbyists, or personally delivering contributions while at the state capitol.
Alaska law provides that lobbyists may not host a fundraising event, directly or indirectly collect contributions, deliver contributions to a candidate, or participate in fund-raising activities.
Kentucky law prohibits a legislative agent from exercising control over a campaign contribution from a PAC and directing it to a specific state legislator, candidate, or committee. This prohibition includes hand-delivering a contribution.
In Maryland, a lobbyist may not, for the benefit of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, or comptroller, member of the general assembly, or candidate for election to these offices solicit or transmit a political contribution from any person or political committee.
South Carolina has very strict rules governing a lobbyist’s involvement when it comes to political contributions. Not only are lobbyists prohibited from making personal political contributions — even as a constituent — they are prohibited from hand-delivering a corporate or PAC check to a candidate at the candidate’s fundraiser.
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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting