DNC Now Accepting Contributions from Lobbyists and PACS - State and Federal Communications

February 12, 2016  •  

DNC Now Accepting Contributions from Lobbyists and PACS

DNCPolitical contributions from federal lobbyists and political action committee (PACs) are now being accepted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). A self-imposed ban on receiving contributions from lobbyists and PACs began in 2008 during the presidential campaign. Lobbyists and PAC representatives are still prohibited from attending events featuring the president or vice-president or their spouses, according to The Hill.

Mark Paustenbach, deputy communications director for the DNC, explained the change to The Washington Post by saying, “The DNC’s recent change in guidelines will ensure that we continue to have the resources and infrastructure in place to best support whoever emerges as our eventual nominee.” Last year it was announced the DNC would accept contributions from lobbyists and PACs for its party conventions.

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