Bill Proposes Lobbyist Statute Alterations in Vermont - State and Federal Communications

January 27, 2012  •  

Bill Proposes Lobbyist Statute Alterations in Vermont

Vermont state sealSenator Jeanette K. White has introduced Senate Bill 150, a bill concerning lobbyist registration and reporting. The bill proposes the removal of the ability to register within 48 hours of beginning to lobby and would require all lobbyists to register prior to lobbying, employers to register prior to engaging a lobbyist, and lobbying firms to file their lobbyist listings prior to the lobbyists commencing lobbying activities.

The bill also requires lobbying firms to update their listing of lobbyists before any new lobbyist commences lobbying activities and within 48 hours of a lobbyist’s termination. Finally, the threshold on reportable gifts to legislators would be decreased from $15 to $10.

If passed in present form, the changes would take effect July 1, 2012.

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