February 17, 2012 •
Alaska Legislature Makes iPhone App Available
Android app expected by April, before session ends
Good news iPhone owners! NCSL’s blog just noted the Alaska Legislature has come out with an app allowing you to keep up with legislative news on your phone. Best of all, it is free!
According to the blog, this is what you will find: “The app provides information on committee schedules, bill status, the house and senate calendars, and contact information of every legislator in both chambers. It also allows the user to stream committee hearings directly from your phone and watch the proceedings in real time.”
Be sure to take look at “New Alaska iPhone App” by Morgan Cullen on The Thicket.
Here is the iTunes App Store page with The Alaska Legislature App.
Thank you to Research Associate George Ticoras for pointing me in the direction of this news.
February 17, 2012 •
Highlighted Site of the Week – The Home of the Star Spangled Banner Flag
The flag that inspired the national anthem.
This week’s Highlighted Site is the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and its Star Spangled Banner Exhibit. Take a look at the gallery where our treasured flag has been housed since 2008.
It’s history is fascinating! According to the site: “On September 14, 1814, U.S. soldiers at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry raised a huge American flag to celebrate a crucial victory over British forces during the War of 1812. The sight of those ‘broad stripes and bright stars’ inspired Francis Scott Key to write a song that eventually became the United States national anthem. Key’s words gave new significance to a national symbol and started a tradition through which generations of Americans have invested the flag with their own meanings and memories.”
The National Museum of American History’s site is wonderfully interactive. You can collect stars to complete the flag by taking a quiz about the history of the War of 1812.
There is an interactive flag page where you can view details documenting the damage the flag has sustained and the various attempts to restore it over the years.
Sing along with the lyrics to the National Anthem on the O Say Can You Sing? page and watch a video of the winner of the National Anthem Singing Contest from 2009.
On the Share Your Story page, you have the opportunity to tell everyone what the flag means to you.
Check out their Twitter feed (@amhistorymuseum) and their Facebook!
I hope you enjoy this amazing exhibit and I wish each of you a great weekend!
February 17, 2012 •
Redistricting News Roundup
Here is today’s redistricting news from the states:
Arizona: “Arizona House Speaker wants June special election on redistricting” by Mary Jo Pitzl in The Arizona Republic.
Florida: “Gov. Rick Scott signs off on new congressional districts” by Brandon Larrabee in the Miami Herald.
“With redistricting lawsuit looming, legislators want immunity” by Mary Ellen Klas in the Tampa Bay Times.
“House redistricting tweaks quietly put U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams in her preferred district” by Mark K. Matthews and Aaron Deslatte in the Orlando Sentinel.
Maryland: “Alternative redistricting plans stalled” by Danielle E. Gaines in the Gaithersburg Gazette.
Missouri: “Missouri Supreme Court examines new US House districts” by Chris Blank in the Kansas City Star.
New York: “Senate redistricting proposal comes under fire” by Aaron Besecker in The Buffalo News.
“Judge calls for ‘special master’ to redraw state legislative and congressional district boundaries” by Kenneth Lovette in the New York Daily News.
Washington: “Secretary of state asking justices to approve redistricting plan” byThe Associated Press in The Seattle Times.
Wisconsin: “Court issues stern order in state redistricting” by Scott Bauer in the Green Bay Press Gazette.
“Federal judges slam GOP lawmakers over redistricting secrecy” by Patrick Marley in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
February 16, 2012 •
News from the New York City Campaign Finance Board
Their website says the board voted on penalties, repayment obligations, and payments:
According to a press release, “During a regularly scheduled meeting today, the Campaign Finance Board determined that nine campaigns in the 2009 elections committed violations and one campaign in the February 2009 special election committed violations. ”
You can view a video archive of the meeting here:
February 16, 2012 •
New York City Campaign Finance Board Releases Revision to Proposed Rules on Independent Expenditures
Board Accepting Comments Until March 2nd
The New York City Campaign Finance Board has released revised proposed rules regarding the disclosure of independent expenditures in city elections.
The revised proposed rules are available here.
The revisions include a new definition of electioneering communication, different reporting requirements, and changes to covered expenditures.
The board will accept public written comment on the rules until March 2, 2012. The final rules will be adopted at a subsequent meeting of the board.
February 16, 2012 •
Rhode Island Bill to Mandate Disclosures and Disclaimers
Bill by Governor, Legislators, and Common Cause RI

This afternoon Rhode Island Governor Lincoln D. Chafee announced the upcoming introduction of a bill requiring those engaged in “independent expenditures” and “electioneering communications” to report donors and expenditures and to include disclaimers on media and internet advertising.
The Governor’s bill, Transparency in Political Spending Act (TIPS), was created with legislative leaders and Common Cause Rhode Island.
The Governor’s press release detailing the bill defines “independent expenditure” is an expenditure that expressly advocates for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate and is not coordinated with any candidate’s campaign, authorized candidate committee or political party committee. “Electioneering communications” is defined as print, broadcast, cable, satellite, or electronic media communications not coordinated with any candidate, authorized candidate committee or political party committee which unambiguously identifies a candidate and is made within 60 days of a general or special election or within 30 days of a primary and can be received by 5,000 or more persons in the constituency.
Governor Chafee said, “[TIPS] seeks to [make] individuals and organizations trying to influence the outcome of an election accountable to the people of Rhode Island.” The collaboratively developed legislation was announced by the Governor with Common Cause Rhode Island’s Executive Director, John Marion, and the legislation’s sponsors: House Speaker Gordon Fox, Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed, Senate President Pro Tempore Juan Pichardo, and Representative Chris Blazejewski.
February 16, 2012 •
Here Comes the Compliance Dream Team!
The Compliance Dream Team is coming to the PAC National Conference in Orlando, Florida at the Universal Portofino Bay Resort February 27 – March 1.
Amol Naik from Google, Elizabeth Bartz of State and Federal Communications, Ken Gross from Skadden Arps, and Michael Toner from Wiley Rein will be making up the Compliance Dream Team.
Bring your compliance concerns. This is your opportunity to unleash all those difficult questions regarding compliance issues.
Don’t miss the Public Affairs Council National PAC Conference. See you there!
February 16, 2012 •
Campaign Finance and Ethics in Thursday’s News!
Super PACs, a new charge against former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Chicago takes first prize in corruption, and a group in Montana takes on that state’s political contribution restrictions:
“Super-PAC craze sweeps the nation” by Rachel Leven in The Hill.
“Feds Add Charge to Former Detroit Mayor Corruption Case” by The Associated Press on Governing.
“Chicago most corrupt city, report shows” by MJ Lee on Politico.
“Group fighting campaign finance laws in 3 courts ask federal judge to undo contribution limits” by Matt Gouras (Associated Press) in The Republic.
February 15, 2012 •
Ethics Rules Enhancements for Louisiana
Governor’s Proposals
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has made legislative proposals to enhance the state’s ethic rules.
In advance of the start of the legislative session next month, the Governor has staked out the areas of Louisiana’s ethic system he believes need the most attention, including making the process of appealing late filing fees unambiguous.
Among his other proposals are making a clearer distinction between the duties and jurisdictions of the Ethics Adjudicatory Board and the Board of Ethics, granting the Board of Ethics some ability to appeal Ethics Adjudicatory Board decisions, and clearly articulating which board is being referenced when a statute merely refers to a ‘board’.
The proposals, included in a press release from the Governor, also include a call for the Ethics Board to suspend the one year dismissal rule in certain circumstances during an investigation of a possible ethics violation.
Photo of the Louisiana State Capitol by Bluepoint951 on Wikipedia.
February 15, 2012 •
Latest News in Ethics Oversight
Here is a look at what has appeared in the last few days from the state ethics commissions:
Arizona: “Ariz. lawmakers want elected officials to disclose use of public funds” by Howard Fischer in the East Valley Tribune.
Georgia: “Advocates push for ethics funding” by Charles Edwards on WABE News.
“Watchdog groups demand more money for ethics board” by in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Maryland: “Maryland Ethics Panel Suggests Reducing Local Disclosure” by Brian Witte (Associated Press) on NBC Washington.
“Bill would require online disclosure” by Michael Dresser in the Baltimore Sun.
Minnesota: “Lobbying violations vex understaffed Minnesota regulator” by Brad Schrade in the Star Tribune.
North Carolina: “Dome: Few ethics complaints probed, report shows” by John Frank in The News & Observer.
February 15, 2012 •
Wisconsin Bill Targets Special Interest Organizations that Craft Bills for Legislators
Bill Requires Increased Disclosure for American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Activities
Democratic legislators have submitted a bill for introduction that restricts the activity of special interest organizations that write bills for legislators.
The bill titled the ALEC Accountability Act applies existing lobbying laws to any organization or person who advocates for the introduction of model legislation. The bill also requires the reporting of any “scholarships” organizations pay to legislators and prohibits state taxpayer funds from being used to pay for attendance at the organization’s conventions.
The bill is currently awaiting a bill number and committee referral.
Photo of the Wisconsin State Capitol building by Darin ten Bruggencate onWikipedia.
February 14, 2012 •
Missouri Supreme Court Strikes Ethics Legislation
Only procurement provisions to remain
The state Supreme Court has struck down much of the 2010 ethics law passed by state lawmakers. Senate Bill 844 changed campaign finance laws, gave greater authority to the Missouri Ethics Commission, created new crimes for ethics violations, and required Capitol dome keys be given to all lawmakers.
The court said Tuesday the bill violated a requirement of the state Constitution that legislation not be amended to change its original purpose. The procurement portion will remain in effect because the Supreme Court concluded that was the original purpose of the legislation.
The decision upholds Circuit Judge Daniel Green’s ruling last spring.
February 14, 2012 •
Personal PAC Files Suit Challenging Illinois Contribution Limit
Injunction Allowing Unlimited Contributions Sought
Personal PAC, an abortion rights group, has filed a lawsuit seeking to strike down the limit on the amount of money given by donors to PACs.
Presently, the limit is set at $10,000 per election cycle.
Personal PAC is seeking an immediate and permanent injunction which would allow donors to make unlimited contributions to PACs.
February 14, 2012 •
Lobbying, Campaign Finance, and Ethics News
Here is today’s news roundup:
“Lobbyists sue Obama administration after being booted from boards” by Rachel Leven and Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
Campaign Finance
Alaska: “House rejects last-minute Senate exemption of current politicians from campaign finance law” by Austin Baird (Associated Press) in The Republic.
“Super PACs echo parodies” by Kenneth Vogel in Politico.
“Bragging about bundling days over” by Anna Palmer in Politico.
California: “California’s political watchdog panel eases its approach to ethics issues” by Patrick McGreevy in The Los Angeles Times.
Louisiana: “Gov. Bobby Jindal seeks adjustments in ethics rules” in the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Government Transparency
“Iowa’s government websites score poorly, transparency group says” by Jason Clayworth in the Des Moines Register.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.