Tuesday's Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

May 1, 2018  •  

Tuesday’s Government and Ethics News

Campaign Finance

Canada: “B.C. Closes ‘Loophole’ in Municipal Campaign Finance Laws” by Frances Bula for Globe and Mail

National: “Meet the Little-Known ‘Big Fish’ Megadonor Setting the Tone for GOP Primary Races” by Michelle Ye Hee Lee and Michael Scherer for Northwest Herald

Pennsylvania: “Contractor’s Political Contribution Returned Due to Lehigh County Pay-to-Play Law” by Tom Shortell for Allentown Morning Call


National: “With Congress Stalled on Sexual Harassment Legislation, Lawmakers Can Escape Sanctions by Quitting” by Deidre Shesgreen for USA Today

Ohio: “Former Councilman Joe Cimperman Agrees to Plead Guilty to Ethics Charges, Pay Fine” by Corey Shaffer for Cleveland Plain Dealer

South Carolina: “South Carolina Lawmakers Getting Help on Following State Ethics Laws” by Seanna Adcox (Associated Press) for Charleston Post and Courier

Legislative Issues

Minnesota: “Allegations Against Minnesota Rep. Rod Hamilton Pose Big Test for New House Sexual Harassment Policy” by Brianna Bierschbach for Minnesota Post


National: “EPA Watchdog Opens Probe of Scott Pruitt’s $50 Condo Rental” by Jennifer Dhouly for Bloomberg.com

Texas: “Committee Fails to Endorse Lobbying Rules Changes” by Jo Clifton for Austin Monitor

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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