Wisconsin Legislature Adjourns Sine Die - State and Federal Communications

May 17, 2024  •  

Wisconsin Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

The second regular session of the Wisconsin State Assembly concluded on May 15.

During the session, lawmakers passed campaign finance bills related to disclosures and lobbyist contributions.

Assembly Bill 664 requires any audio or video communication paid for by a candidate, committee, or party containing synthetic media to include a disclaimer at both the beginning and the end of the communication.

Senate Bill 822 requires local committees supporting or opposing local candidates and referendums to register and file campaign finance reports with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission instead of local clerks beginning July 1, 2025.

Senate Bill 741 clarifies only a special election to fill a vacancy in a state office opens the lobbyist contribution window for personal contributions to a partisan elected state official or state candidate.

Conduits receiving and releasing earmarked contributions will be required to pay a $100 annual filing fee.

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