Highlighted Site Of The Week – Homes of Governors - State and Federal Communications

July 15, 2011  •  

Highlighted Site Of The Week – Homes of Governors

The Previous Home of Ronald Reagan

After governor’s move out of their governor’s mansions, how is all this valuable and beautiful real estate utilized? 

This week’s Highlighted Site Of The Week, Homes of Governors, is an article posted on CNBC. It provides pictures and descriptions of the amazing  homes of 10 former heads of state, ranging from the New Jersey mansion that once housed Charles Edison (son of Thomas Edison) to the former home of Arnold Schwarzenegger currently valued at $23.5 million.

When governors move on from their often multi-million dollar residences, these historical buildings are used for a variety of things. Of course some are bought and go on to become homes for other families, but sometimes they are turned into bed and breakfast guest houses, events venues, and historical landmarks.

The houses shown by this slideshow have housed anywhere from 1 up to 17 governors. Homes of Governors provides a great much needed break to the work-day.

Everyone have a great weekend!

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