Ethics Rules Enhancements for Louisiana - State and Federal Communications

February 15, 2012  •  

Ethics Rules Enhancements for Louisiana

Louisiana State CapitalLouisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has made legislative proposals to enhance the state’s ethic rules.

In advance of the start of the legislative session next month, the Governor has staked out the areas of Louisiana’s ethic system he believes need the most attention, including making the process of appealing late filing fees unambiguous.

Among his other proposals are making a clearer distinction between the duties and jurisdictions of the Ethics Adjudicatory Board and the Board of Ethics, granting the Board of Ethics some ability to appeal Ethics Adjudicatory Board decisions, and clearly articulating which board is being referenced when a statute merely refers to a ‘board’.

The proposals, included in a press release from the Governor, also include a call for the Ethics Board to suspend the one year dismissal rule in certain circumstances during an investigation of a possible ethics violation.

Photo of the Louisiana State Capitol by Bluepoint951 on Wikipedia.

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