Our December Scrapbook - State and Federal Communications

December 2, 2014  •  

Our December Scrapbook

The Akron Urban League Women of Power presentation was held on November 6. Elizabeth Z. Bartz, [third from the right] was honored as one of the Magnificent Seven of 2014.
The Akron Urban League Women of Power presentation was held on November 6.
Elizabeth Z. Bartz, [third from the right] was honored as one of the Magnificent Seven of 2014.

While in Scottsdale, Arizona attending the SGAC LPC Conference in November 2014, Elizabeth Z. Bartz, State and Federal Communications, Inc. president and CEO, had the distinct honor of conversing with current client, Tom Ridge, Ridge Policy Group.
While in Scottsdale, Arizona attending the SGAC LPC Conference in November 2014, Elizabeth Z. Bartz, State and Federal Communications, Inc. president and CEO, had the distinct honor of conversing with current client, Tom Ridge, Ridge Policy Group.


Elizabeth Bartz at SGAC LPC Conference with Donna Brazille, political strategist and author.
Elizabeth Bartz at SGAC LPC Conference with Donna Brazille, political strategist and author.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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