September 7, 2023 •
Looking How to Help Your Community — Look No Further than United Way

If you asked who the top 12 companies who donate to United Way Summit Medina (UWSM), you would be shocked to know State and Federal Communications ranks #12 and we have 12 leaders at the company. We also have 100% participation!!!
We have been involved with United Way since 1998 and we have G R O W N every single year. Shortly after our program started, I offered to match the contributions made by the staff, which was directed to our own United Way agency…I still do that every single year. Now I know every company cannot do that, but we are blessed and grateful we can help the best we can.
I want to introduce you to United Way Summit Medina because it really has done amazing things, especially in the past eight years when James Mullen moved, with his family, from the Nashville United Way as our new President and CEO.
Last month we held Knight at the Civic which is when we start our new campaign. We watched Dan Polletta’s Uncharitable, which is an amazing film about nonprofits in our country.
What I really want to talk to you about is our Bold Goals, which we talk about to everyone.
Bold Goal #1—Ready for Success by helping 65% of Akron Public School third graders reading at or above grade level.
Bold Goal #2—Youth Success in College and Career Readiness and Youth Opportunities and Success. This includes 90% of Akron Public Schoolers graduating in four years, with 60% college/career ready. In addition, helping 60% of Akron youth employed or active in extracurriculars.
Bold Goal #3—Financial Empowerment. We are helping financially empower 11,000 people in Summit County and 2,500 people in Medina County.
Bold Goal #4—Health Equity by reducing the Black infant mortality rates in Summit County to 6 per 1,000 births.
We have already updated these goals since their creation and now the goal is to reach these by 2028.
I know so many folks in state government affairs are asked to oversee their company’s United Way Campaign. I am always looking at signs when I travel to see how others encourage participation. At State and Federal Communications, I use our American Express points to thank employees for their participation. (Do not worry, these premiums do not account for more than 30% of the pledge received (more than $500).
If you are interested, I am happy to send you a copy of the United Way Summit Medina report for 2022. Just drop me a line and make sure I have your address.
There is so much United Way does in your community. Find out how you can help your United Way.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting