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September 8, 2014  •  

DE Gov. Signs Revolving Door Bill

On September 4, 2014, Gov. Jack Markell signed House Bill 13 into law. Under the bill, any person who served as a member of the Delaware General Assembly is prohibited from acting as a lobbyist for one year after the […]

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Gov. Jack Markell has called a special legislative session to convene October 8, 2014. The purpose of the special session is to confirm a new state Supreme Court justice after the abrupt resignation of sitting Justice Carolyn Berger. The nominee, […]

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  On July 22, 2014, Gov. Jack Markell signed several bills amending Delaware’s campaign finance and lobbying laws. Senate Bill 187 allows political committees to donate prohibited contributions to certain charitable organizations. House Bill 300 protects whistleblowers from employer retaliation […]

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The 147th Delaware General Assembly adjourned sine die Tuesday, July 1, 2014. In keeping with longstanding Delaware tradition, legislators worked into the early hours of the morning attempting to pass dozens of bills before the end of the session. Noteworthy […]

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Two important campaign finance bills have passed the Delaware General Assembly and are on their way to Gov. Jack Markell’s desk. House Substitute No. 1 to House Bill 302 consolidates the three existing county boards of election into one state […]

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Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn recently announced his candidacy for attorney general in 2014. If he is elected in November, the office of the lieutenant governor would be vacant until 2016. Delaware law has no provision to address such a […]

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The Dover City Council has set June 17, 2014, as the date of a mayoral special election following the resignation of Mayor Carleton E. Carey, Sr. Dover’s city charter requires a special election be held no sooner than 30 days […]

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Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden and Elections Commissioner Elaine Manlove are appealing a federal district court ruling, enjoining enforcement of a Delaware campaign finance law. Section 8031 of the Delaware Election Disclosures Act requires any person who makes an expenditure […]

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The United States District Court for the District of Delaware granted a preliminary injunction sought by Delaware Strong Families, who challenged a new Delaware campaign finance law requiring sponsors of third-party advertisements to disclose the identities of their donors. Specifically, […]

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The Delaware Ethics Commission has extended the deadline for year-end campaign finance reports due to glitches in the online filing system. The deadline to file year-end reports is now February 20.

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The Delaware Department of Elections has begun construction on a new campaign finance reporting system, which will debut on December 17. The new system will allow all contribution reports, both those filed online and via paper submission, to be searched […]

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December 5 session to deal with judicial nominations

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Bills will increase lobbyist and campaign finance reporting

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New law will increase online presence

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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