legislative sessions Archives - Page 81 of 83 - State and Federal Communications

Today Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called for a special session of the Legislature to convene on May 27. According to Brewer’s press release, the purpose of the special session will be to “overhaul the state’s child safety system” by creating […]

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May 21, 2014  •  

Yukon Assembly Adjourns

The first session of the 33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly, which convened on March 25, adjourned on May 15, 2014. The Legislative Assembly is scheduled to reconvene later this year. The session dates will be announced two weeks before the session […]

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May 19, 2014  •  

Minnesota Legislature Adjourns

The Minnesota Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, May 16, 2014. The Legislature passed a $1 billion public works construction package in addition to voting to legalize medical marijuana in a session described by some as one of the most […]

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Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn recently announced his candidacy for attorney general in 2014. If he is elected in November, the office of the lieutenant governor would be vacant until 2016. Delaware law has no provision to address such a […]

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Despite the adjournment of the Maine Legislature on May 2, 2014, legislators are still debating issues. Republican leaders are urging Democrats to reconvene for a special session to address a funding crisis for the state’s nursing homes.    

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Gov. Phil Bryant has called a special session of the Mississippi Legislature to begin May 8, 2014, to make appropriations for the state’s share of disaster relief for tornado damage. The National Weather Service reported 23 tornadoes touched down in […]

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The Kansas Legislature adjourned in the early morning hours of May 3, making this the shortest legislative session in 40 years. State lawmakers passed a budget and approved funding for courts and schools, but failed to address the state’s falling […]

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The Florida Legislature adjourned its 2014 session on May 2, 2014 after passing a record $77.1 billion budget. The final day of session also saw two immigration bills passed, including one allowing undocumented immigrants attending Florida high schools to qualify […]

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The 2014 session of Iowa’s 85th General Assembly adjourned Friday, May 2, 2014. While in session, legislators considered an array of legislation, including anti-bullying and the use of medical marijuana for epilepsy patients. Legislators also agreed on the 2015 fiscal […]

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May 2, 2014  •  

Maine Legislature Adjourns

The 2nd regular session of the 126th Maine State Legislature adjourned sine die May 2, 2014. The statutory adjournment date was April 16, 2014; however the Legislature spent an additional two weeks in session. Legislators successfully overturned two vetoes by […]

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The 28th Alaska State Legislature adjourned an extended session sine die on Friday, April 25. Originally set to adjourn April 20, both the House and Senate remained in session until compromising on a major education reform bill and a controversial […]

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April 24, 2014  •  

AZ Legislature Adjourns

The Arizona Legislature adjourned its session sine die at 1:46 a.m. Thursday, April 24. Gov. Jan Brewer has 10 days to sign or veto legislation transmitted to her or the legislation becomes law automatically.  

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Gov. Jerry Brown has called a special session of the Legislature to convene on April 24, 2014. Brown wants lawmakers to replace the rainy day fund measure currently on the November ballot with a new constitutional amendment establishing a dedicated […]

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The General Assembly adjourned late Monday, April 7, 2014, after approving bills to decriminalize marijuana and raise the state minimum wage. Legislators also approved two lobbying bills addressing ethics training requirements and lobbyist certifications of authorization to lobby. The new […]

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