January 25, 2013 •
News You Can Use Digest – January 25, 2013
Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:
Citizens United Third Anniversary Marked By Reformers with Push for Constitutional Amendment
From the States and Municipalities:
Arizona – Former Arizona Lawmaker Ben Arredondo Avoids Prison Time
Florida – Florida Group Wants to End Caps on Campaign Donations
Hawaii – Lobbying Reform Is a Tough Sell in Hawaii’s Legislature
Kansas – Business, Labor Clash over Bill Aimed at Restricting Union Politicking
Kentucky – Lobbyists Spend Record Amount in Kentucky
Nevada – Lawmakers Anxious in Wake of Alleged Threats to Assembly Speaker
North Dakota – North Dakota to Move Forward on Ethics Reform
Ohio – Ex-Legislator Sent to Prison for Corruption
Utah – New Utah Congressman Has Ties That Bind: Family
Washington – Bill Imposing a Lobbyist Fee Gets Mixed Reactions Lobbying
West Virginia – U.S. Appeals Court OKs Some W.Va. Election Ad Rules
Wisconsin – Contract Lobbying Still Under the Radar
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.
January 24, 2013 •
Thursday News Roundup
Here are some great articles for today’s government relations news summary:
“Sandy adds a twist to some firms’ lobbying efforts” by Alex Guillen in Politico.
“Business Lobbying In 2012 Soared, Buoyed By Fiscal Cliff Crisis” by Christina Wilkie in the Huffington Post.
“K Street stumbles for the second straight year” by Catherine Ho in the Washington Post.
Georgia: “Road contractors shower governor with campaign donations” by Greg Bluestein, Ariel Hart and James Salzer in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Wisconsin: “Contract lobbying still ‘under the radar’” by Bill Lueders in Wisconsin Watch.
Campaign Finance
Arizona: “Jan Brewer taps lawyer for Clean Elections post” by The Associated Press in the Arizona Capitol Times.
Florida: “Florida group wants to end caps on campaign donations” by T.W. Farnam in the Washington Post.
Washington: “Lawmaker wants to fix Public Disclosure Commission online system” by Brad Shannon in the News Tribune.
“Ethics Panel Requires Added Disclosure of Funds, Accounts” by Amanda Becker in Roll Call.
Connecticut: “Smoke shop owner pleads guilty in campaign finance case” by Mark Pazniokas in the Connecticut Mirror.
Iowa: “Iowa Ethics and Campaign Finance Disclosure Board seeks complaint process change” by Rod Boshart in the Sioux City Journal.
Texas: “Weak Disclosure Laws Keep Public in the Dark” by Ryan Murphy and Jay Root in the Texas Tribune.
“Missouri House passes elections bill” by Elizabeth Crisp in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Virginia: “Lawmakers move to change Va. electoral vote system” by Julian Walker in the Virginian-Pilot.
Washington: “Washington state lawmakers press for speedier election results” by The Associated Press in the Oregonian.
From the State Legislatures
Idaho: “Wednesday highlights in the Idaho Legislature” in the Idaho Statesman.
Virginia: “Va. House Speaker holds key to redistricting vote” by Errin Haines and Laura Vozzella in the Washington Post.
Virginia: “Stewart cheers Va. Senate redistricting” by Laura Vozella in the Washington Post.
January 23, 2013 •
Wednesday Government Relations News
Keep up with the latest articles on campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics!
“K Street says goodbye, good riddance to 2012, expects upturn this year” by Kevin Bogardus and Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
“K Street Files: At Start of Second Term, Lobbyists Get Over Obama’s Cold Shoulder” by Kate Ackley and Janie Lorber in Roll Call.
“Interests’ Presence Felt In 2012, Filings Show” by Janie Lorber and Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
“K Street sings the blues” by Byron Tau and Tarini Parti in Politico.
Campaign Finance
“Florida GOP donor Jay Odom indicted on campaign finance fraud charges” by Lucy Morgan in the Miami Herald.
Maine: “Maine lawmakers join effort to amend Constitution to allow campaign funding limits” by Robert Long in the Bangor Daily News.
Colorado: “Ethics bill clears Senate committee hurdle” by Arek Sarkissian II in the Tallahassee Democrat.
Ohio: “Ex-legislator sent to prison for corruption” by Jim Siegel in the Columbus Dispatch.
“In quirk, some California residents have two state senators, others none” by Patrick McGreevy in the Los Angeles Times.
“Va. Republicans’ redistricting maneuver draws criticism” by Laura Vozzella and Errin Haines in the Washington Post.
From the State Legislatures
“Top 10 legislative issues facing lawmakers in 2013” by Mark Wolfe from NCSL.
“In Michigan and Wisconsin, Some Lawmakers Want to Go Part-Time” by Jim Malewitz in Stateline.
January 22, 2013 •
Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News
Keep up with the latest government relations news with these articles:
“Washington Parties, K Street Pays” by Chris Frates in National Journal.
“Ben Nelson among ex-lawmakers to K Street” by Tarini Parti in Politico.
“Lobbyists of all stripes swarm President Obama’s gun-control proposals” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
Virginia: “Uranium backers gave gifts, donations to lawmakers” by Bob Lewis in the Winston-Salem Journal.
Wisconsin: “Former Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald lobbying” by The Associated Press in the News Times.
Campaign Finance
New Jersey: “Corporations face new rules on disclosing political donations” by Juliet Fletcher in the Bergen Record.
New York: “Lawmakers scrambling to raise funds ahead of Cuomo’s promised campaign reform” by Carl Campanile in the New York Post.
New Mexico: “Democrat wants bill to ban use of state resources for political reasons” by Steve Terrell in the New Mexican.
Government Tech and Social Media
“Obama’s Inauguration Live-Tweeted by the White House” in Government Technology.
“Facebook Graph Search Announcement Inspires IT Leaders” by Colin Wood in Government Technology.
“Obama calls for new ideas and technology to ‘remake’ government” by Eric Katz and Kedar Pavgi in Government Executive.
January 21, 2013 •
Monday News Roundup
Let’s start off the week with these lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics news articles:
“Obama Expected to Ease Lobby Posture” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
“K Street Files: Lieberman Aide to Artemis Strategies” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
Canada: “Canada finance minister apologizes after reprimand for lobbying” by David Ljunggren in Reuters.
Texas: “Lobbying groups maintain presence in state capitol during legislative session” by Enrique Rangel in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
Campaign Finance
“10 biggest beneficiaries of Citizens United” by Laura Gottesdiener in Salon.
Colorado: “Denver rally calls for campaign finance changes” on ABC 7 News.
Colorado: “Who is and isn’t obeying Colo. voters on campaign finance?” by Brandon Rittiman in NBC 9 News.
Indiana: “Hoosiers Protest Citizens United In Indianapolis” by Brandon Smith in Indiana Public Media.
“Obama’s Ethics Agenda Backfires” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.
Florida: “Major ethics bill unveiled in Tallahassee” in the St. Augustine Record.
Idaho: “House takes up push to revamp ethics commission” by The Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman.
Kentucky: “Metro Council to ask legislature to approve subpoena power for Ethics Commission” by Sheldon S. Shafer in the Courier-Journal.
Texas: “The Texas Tribune launches interactive Lawmaker Explorer tool” by Ryan Lakich in CultureMap Austin.
January 19, 2013 •
Ethics and Campaign Finance Weekend Report
Here are a few breaking news items. Enjoy your weekend!
“Lawmakers in Southeast call for ethics reform” by Nicholas Kusnetz in The Center for Public Integrity.
Louisiana: “Former New Orleans mayor indicted on federal corruption charges” by Michael Martinez in CNN News.
Oregon: “Oregon ethics board: Gov. John Kitzhaber can be paid speaker fees” by Christian Gaston in the Oregonian.
Citizens United
“Overturning Citizens United” by Tim Redmond in the San Francisco Bay Guardian.
Maryland: “Rally in Annapolis protests Citizens United decision” by Hannah Anderson in the Daily Record.
New Jersey: “N.J. coalition calls for overturn of ‘Citizens United’ campaign contribution decision” by Phil Gregory in Newsworks New Jersey.
Washington: “Sen. Kline wants a state response to Citizens United” by Brad Shannon in The Olympian.
Legislative Issues
“Poll: 75 percent want Hill term limits” by Katie Glueck in Politico.
Arkansas: “Lawmakers complete first week of session” by Rob Moritz in Arkansas News
Government Social Media
“CIO Council to agency IT shops: Get smart on social media and open government” in NextGov.
Open Government
Florida: “Senate starts over in quest to build a transparency website” by Mary Ellen Klas in the Miami Herald.
January 18, 2013 •
News You Can Use Digest – January 18, 2013
Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:
Revolving Door Swings Freely in America’s Statehouses
Sandy Lobbying Hinged on Governors
From the States and Municipalities:
California – California’s Lobby Laws Keep Many Influence-Peddling Details Secret
Florida – Sweeping Ethics Bill Would Curtail Lobbying by Lawmakers
Georgia – Senate Passes Ethics Rule, Maintains Restriction on Public Complaints
Kansas – Ethics Commission Recommends Fee Increase
Missouri – Kander Puts an End to Accepting Gifts from Lobbyists
Nevada – Lobbyists Ready Themselves for Legislative Session
Ohio – Cuyahoga County Corruption Investigation Winds Down to the Finish as Bulk of Case Completed
Oklahoma – Oklahoma Ethics Commission Hires New Director
Oregon – Commission Says Kitzhaber Can Accept Payment for Health-Policy Speeches
South Carolina – Sanford Checked with Ex-Wife before Entering Race for SC House Seat
Texas – For Ethics Commission, Big Hurdles to Reform
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.
January 18, 2013 •
Changes May Be Coming to Kansas Lobbyist and PAC Fees
Ethics commission will likely propose modest increase
The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission is seeking changes to the fees it charges for lobbyist and political action committee registrations. The commission’s executive director Carol Williams said the commission has not determined the amount of the increase it plans to propose, but that it will likely be a modest amount.
The fees for lobbyists and PACs have not increased in 12 years and the commission receives about a third of its funding through fees. The commission is also recommending an increase in the threshold amount at which a person must register as a lobbyist, from the current $100 in expenditures for lobbying to $500. The current threshold has not increased in 25 years, and the commission believes the proposed amount is a reasonable inflation factor.
January 17, 2013 •
Florida Senate Committee Drafting Proposed Ethics Bill Language
Possible changes to gift law and revolving door provisions
The Florida Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections is working on a proposed bill to revise the state’s ethics law.
The draft language relating to lobbying and gift law in the bill establishes a fine for executive branch lobbyists for failure to provide required information or knowingly providing false information in a report, and prohibits vendors from providing gifts to reporting individuals or procurement employees. Other changes the committee is considering include:
- Restrictions on former legislators’ employment as a lobbyist, such as ban on executive branch lobbying and a prohibition on becoming a partner, principal, or employee of a firm whose primary business is lobbying the state legislature within the two years after a legislator leaves office; and
- A prohibition on or reduced gift limit for gifts to covered individuals from committees of continuous existence, or CCEs. House Speaker Will Weatherford has called for elimination of CCEs, which are often used by legislators to pay for meals, travel, and gifts.
The committee plans to have final draft language available on January 18, and plans to consider the proposed bill at its January 22 meeting.
January 17, 2013 •
Thursday News Roundup
Here are some great articles for today’s government relations news summary:
“Actor John Corbett gives lobbying new tune” by Patrick Gavin in Politico.
“K Street Files: Business Roundtable Weighs In on Entitlements” by Janie Lorber in Roll Call.
“NRA’s lobbying bags big legislative wins in states over the past two decades” by Peter Wallsten and Tom Hamburger in The Washington Post.
Campaign Finance
Iowa: “Senators target campaign spending reform in Iowa” by Jason Noble in Des Moines Register.
Maryland: “Groups to rally in Maryland to urge for campaign finance reforms” by The Associated Press in The Washington Post.
“Former FEMA exec pleads guilty to conflict of interest charges” by Kegar Pavgi in Government Executive.
“Under Contract” in The Hill.
“California ethics commission is at a crossroads” by Patrick McGreevy in the Los Angeles Times.
Oregon: “Oregon ethics board will consider Kitzhaber speaking fees” by Christian Gaston in The Oregonian.
Texas: “For Ethics Commission, Big Hurdles to Reform” by Morgan Smith in the Texas Tribune.
Texas: “Ethics bill would require disclosure of lawmakers’ contracts with state of Texas” by Mark Lisheron in Texas Watchdog.
January 16, 2013 •
Wednesday Government Relations News
Keep up with the latest articles on campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics!
Campaign Finance
“Ex-Bachmann aide alleges campaign finance violations” by Kevin Diaz in the Star Tribune.
Florida: “Support mounts to allow unlimited political contributions in Florida” by Mary Ellen Klas in the Miami Herald.
Florida: “Florida ethics rules come under Senate committee spotlight” by Matt Dixon in the Florida Times-Union.
Utah: “John Swallow accusations prompt call for ethics, campaign finance reform” by Dennis Romboy in the Deseret News.
Virginia: “Va. AG Cuccinelli will defy tradition, stay on job while campaigning” by David Hill in the Washington Times.
“Lobbying World” in The Hill.
“Chamber, union leaders mull alliance to press for immigration reform” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
Florida: “Sweeping ethics bill would curtail lobbying by lawmakers” by Aaron Deslatte in the Orlando Sentinel.
Georgia: “Lieutenant governor will abide by Senate’s $100 gift cap” by Kristina Torres in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Legislative Issues
Montana: “New lawmaker launches video about 1st days in state Legislature” by John Grant Emeigh in the Billings Gazette.
New Mexico “Mary Kay Papen elected Senate leader” by Steve Terrell in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
January 14, 2013 •
Monday News Roundup
Let’s start off the week with these lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics news articles:
“Newly unemployed lawmakers buzzing about million-dollar lobbying jobs” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
California: “Interactive graphic: Hidden lobbying expenses” by Sharon Okada in the Sacramento Bee.
California: “California’s lobby laws keep many influence-peddling details secret” by Laurel Rosenhall in the Sacramento Bee.
Nevada: “Lobbyists sit through ethics training in Carson City” by David McGrath in the Las Vegas Sun.
“Two Buerkle staffers land jobs with Washington, D.C., lobbying firms” by Mark Weiner in the Post-Standard.
Campaign Finance
“Money in Politics This Week” by Syed Zaidi in the Brennan Center for Justice Blog.
“FEC Appointments Are Deciding the Future of Campaign Finance” by Alex Gauthier in the Independent Voter Network.
Mississippi: “Judge sets trial date for campaign finance case” by The Associated Press in the Mississippi Business Journal.
Wisconsin: “Mike McCabe featured speaker, topic is Campaign Finance Jan. 26 public meeting” in the Bay View Compass.
“Harry Reid Disavows Report Linking Him to Bribery Case” by Neils Lesniewski in Roll Call.
Texas: “Some State Legislators Blur Line Between Public and Private Interests” by Emily Ramshaw in The New York Times.
State Legislatures
“More than Half of State Legislatures Convened this Week” by Angela Andrews in NCSL’s The Thicket blog.
Washington: “Key players to watch in the Washington Legislature, which convenes Monday” in the Seattle Times.
The Presidential Inauguration
“Critics Decry Looser Rules For Inauguration Fundraising” by NPR in Oregon Public Broadcasting.
“Fund-Raising Is Lagging, So Far, for Inaugural Plans” by Nicholas Confessore in The New York Times.
“An inauguration first: Apps” by Steve Freiss in Politico.
January 14, 2013 •
Oklahoma Ethics Commission Hires New Executive Director
Lee Slater
The Oklahoma Ethics Commission has hired Lee Slater as its new executive director.
According to The Oklahoman, Mr. Slater will begin working part time with the commission on February 1 and become the full time executive director on July 1, 2013.
The position recently became vacant when Marilyn Hughes retired as executive director after 25 years with the agency.
January 12, 2013 •
Campaign Finance and Ethics Weekend Report
Here are a few breaking news items. Enjoy your weekend!
“Be It Dogged or Annoying, Office of Congressional Ethics Survives” by Billy House in National Journal.
Oklahoma: “Oklahoma Ethics Commission executive director named” by Michael McNutt in Tulsa World.
Oklahoma: “Oklahoma Ethics Commission proposes blackout period on complaints” by Michael McNutt in The Oklahoman.
Campaign Finance
Mississippi: “Federal trial scheduled for challenge to Mississippi’s campaign finance law” by The Associated Press in the Mississippi Press.
Montana: “Bill would tighten some Montana campaign finance laws” in the Missoulian.
New York: “Cuomo pushes NY campaign finance reform _ again” by The Associated Press in the Wall Street Journal.
New York City: “Campaign Finance Board fires back at City Council” in by Beth Morrissey in The New York World.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.