Matthew Gehring, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 6 of 11

Oakland, California - by James BeBop

Oakland has raised political contribution and expenditure limits. Candidates who adopt the voluntary expenditure ceiling may accept contributions up to $900 from individuals and businesses, and up to $1,800 from qualified board-based political committees per election cycle. Candidates who do […]

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February 7, 2022  •  

Judge Tosses Out Last Minute Amendments

Montana Capitol Building - gillfoto

Montana District Court Judge Mike Menahan has issued a permanent injunction preventing the state from enforcing two provisions of Senate Bill 319. The two provisions in question were late additions to the bill, added during a conference committee a day […]

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January 20, 2022  •  

Gov. Kate Brown Appoints New Justices

Oregon Supreme Court - by Cacophony

Gov. Kate Brown has tapped Appeals Court Justice Roger Dehoog to the Oregon Supreme Court. Dehoog is replacing retiring Justice Lynn Nakamoto after six years on the state’s highest court. Brown appointed Judge Ramon Pagan to replace Dehoog and has […]

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Montana State Flag

A federal judge struck down Montana’s Clean Campaign Act, holding the law violates free speech and due process rights of political committees. The law requires political committees to give candidates notice when the committee sends out negative mailers within 10 […]

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January 17, 2022  •  

Change in Oregon House Leadership

Oregon State Capitol Building

The Oregon House Democratic Caucus nominated Rep. Dan Rayfield as speaker, replacing Rep. Tina Kotek. House Democrats have also elected Rep. Julie Fahey as majority leader to replace Rep. Barbara Smith Warner. These changes within the party stem from a […]

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Oregon State Capitol Building

Advocacy groups have filed three ballot measure proposals with the Office of Oregon Secretary of State, focusing on limiting campaign contributions and increasing donor disclosure requirements. For the proposals to be placed on the 2022 ballot, each proposal would need […]

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January 10, 2022  •  

Devin Nunes Steps Down

California State Capitol Building - Jeff Turner

Gov. Newsom announced a special election to replace former Congressman Devin Nunes to be held on June 7, with the primary being held on April 5. The election in Congressional District 22 will follow the old Congressional map. The new […]

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Oregon State Capitol Building

Speaker of the House Tina Kotek announced she will resign from the Oregon Legislature January 21 to focus on her campaign for governor. Kotek’s resignation allows her to avoid a House rule prohibiting representatives from fundraising during any legislative session. […]

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January 6, 2022  •  

Washington Legislature Goes Virtual

Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

Washington’s fast-approaching 2022 legislative session has hit a bit of a snag with the rampant Omicron variant. The chief clerk of the House has announced that his chamber will hold its floor sessions remotely for the first two weeks of […]

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December 20, 2021  •  

Senator Ericksen Passes Away

Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

Republican Washington State Senator Doug Ericksen has passed away. Ericksen was in El Salvador when he contracted COVID-19 and was flown out to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for treatment. Whatcom County Council will fill the vacancy in the 42nd Legislative District […]

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December 14, 2021  •  

Oregon Adjourns Special Session

Oregon State Capitol Building

The Oregon Legislature adjourned after their one-day special session. Lawmakers passed a $215 million emergency rental assistance bill, with $100 million earmarked to immediately assist the looming eviction crisis. Policymakers also passed a bill to combat illegal cannabis sellers, assist […]

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The City of Portland’s Open and Accountable Elections Program has voted and accepted new administrative rules for candidates participating in the program. The new rules change the name of the program to the Small Donor Elections Program. The new guidelines […]

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California State Capitol Building - Jeff Turner

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a special election for state Assembly District 49. Newsom appointed the current Assemblyman, Ed Chau, to the Los Angeles Superior Court bench. The primary for the special election will be held on February 15, 2022, […]

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Flag of San Francisco

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has introduced a bill to restrict how public officials can solicit behested payments. The legislation prohibits elected officials and city department heads from requesting donations to charities from lobbyists, persons seeking contracts with the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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