Meet Our Expert - Sam Wilkinson, Esq. - State and Federal Communications

September 26, 2024  •  

Meet Our Expert – Sam Wilkinson, Esq.

Last September, we welcomed a new Manager of Research Services to our team: Sam Wilkinson, Esq. For the past year, Sam has been refining his expertise in our Research Department, and the jurisdictions he covers, which include Maryland, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Sam knew he wanted to be a lawyer since he was in high school. He was exposed to stories about practicing law through media and was inspired to help people.

“The core tenant was to be the kind of person that could help people in one of the scarier moments of their lives, and that’s what I want to do. That’s the kind of person I want to be,” he explained.

Sam attended the University of Akron School of Law after graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in theatre and an associate’s degree from Stark State College.

When it comes to his role as a Manager of Research Services, Sam finds many aspects of the job rewarding.

For him, the best part of the job is being able to help clients with questions they ask through our “Ask the Experts” feature. When those questions cover topics that may be a gray area or when something doesn’t make sense, our Research Managers like Sam get the chance to help, and sometimes advocate, on behalf of our clients.

An example Sam gave was regarding a special election where a special disclosure was required. When trying to find the filing date for the special disclosure, Sam was looking at the jurisdiction’s ethics commission website and couldn’t find the form. Upon calling around and talking to people at that ethics commission, it was discovered that the wrong form had been uploaded. Sam was able to get the matter sorted with the director of that ethics commission and get the correct information uploaded, making disclosure filing easy and possible for clients and our Compliance Managers who may be doing that on behalf of our clients.

He also said, “Becoming familiar with how government operates and how those intricate rules and ethics go together is the interesting bit for me,” he explained.

In addition to this, Sam’s role includes maintaining the website and guidebook entries for his jurisdictions and answering questions from clients.

The State and Federal Communications, Inc. team is full of experts you can trust. Learn more about what we can do for you at

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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