Our October Photo Scrapbook - State and Federal Communications

October 7, 2015  •  

Our October Photo Scrapbook

Enjoy these photos from recent events!

PAC State and Local Staff 2015 half_lr
State and Federal Communications, Inc. sent eight employees to the Public Affairs Council State and Local Government Affairs Conference in Alexandria, Virginia on September 23-25, 2015. Front row: Dan Frydl, Marketing and Sales Manager; Rebecca South, Federal Compliance Associate; and Kevin Newman, Esq., Research Associate. Back row: Avery Ware, Compliance Assistant; Gamble Hayden, Federal Compliance Assistant; Elizabeth Z. Bartz, President and CEO; Monica Dolenc, Marketing Associate; and Emone Smith, Administrative Assistant.

Jim Sedor 15th Anniversary_lr
State and Federal Communications, Inc. has always chosen to celebrate the employment anniversary of its staff. This year was a big year. Here is our News You Can Use editor, James Sedor, as he celebrated his 15th anniversary in August. We had a flag flown in his honor over the U.S. Capitol provided by Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown along with a certificate of authenticity and a gift from Elizabeth in thanks of all those years of dedication.
Anniversary gifts_lr
Elizabeth celebrating anniversaries with Myra Cottrill, Esq., Client Specialist; Nola Werren, Esq., Client Specialist; and Dave McPeek, IT Business and Operations Analyst.

In May, State and Federal Communications, Inc. celebrated the 10th anniversary of Amber Fish Linke, Esq., Director, Client and Product Operations, and [on right] John Cozine, Esq., Compliance Manager.
Amber Fish LinkeJohn Cozine

PLI attendees 2015_lr
Practising Law Institute – Corporate Political Activities 2015: Complying with Campaign Finance, Lobbying and Ethics Laws took place September 9-10, 2015, in Washington, DC. State and Federal Communications Inc. sent the following staff to the conference: [front left to right] John Cozine, Esq., Compliance Manager; Rebecca South, Federal Compliance Associate; and Shamus Williams, Esq., Compliance Associate. [back left to right] Myra Cottrill, Esq., Client Specialist; Gamble Hayden, Federal Compliance Associate; Kevin Newman, Esq., Research Associate; Elizabeth Z. Bartz, President and CEO; and Jennifer Zona, Esq., Compliance Associate.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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