Wednesday's Government and Ethics News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

September 27, 2017  •  

Wednesday’s Government and Ethics News Roundup


California: “Anaheim’s Lobbyist Sunshine Ordinance Will Be Largely Self-Enforced” by Thy Vo for Voice of OC

Campaign Finance

Connecticut: “UConn Researchers Find Business, Labor Unions Aren’t Driving Super PACs” by Jack Kramer for

Maine: “Lawmakers Make Case That Maine’s Initiative Process Is Being Gamed” by Scott Thistle for Portland Press Herald

Ohio: “BlackRock Executive’s Kasich Donation May Cost $37 Million” by Miles Weiss for


Congressional Aides Risk Conflicts with Stock Trades” by Maggie Severns for Politico

Exclusive: OGE crafting a new advisory on legal defense funds” by Cristina Alesci for CNN

Maryland: “State Prosecutor Investigating Former Baltimore County School Supt. Dallas Dance” by Liz Bowie, Doug Donovan and Alison Knezevich for Baltimore Sun

New Jersey: “Paterson Mayor Joey Torres Pleads Guilty to Corruption Charges” by Joe Malinconico (Paterson Times) for Bergen Record

New York: “Dean Skelos Has Conviction Overturned; Prosecutors Will Pursue Retrial” Staff Report for Albany Times Union


GOP Governors Launch a ‘News’ Website with a Mission to Get Themselves Elected” by Bill Barrow (Associated Press) for Business Insider

Alabama: “Moore Wins Republican Senate Primary, Dealing Blow to GOP Establishment” by Michael Scherer for Washington Post

Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Strict ID Law Discouraged Voters, Study Finds” by Michael Wines for New York Times

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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